Hello fellow chainlinkers.  Unfortunately, I had 3 bikes stolen from our display sometime today.  Here is a run-down of the three bikes, I will also post them on the stolen bike registry.  The bikes were in a display window at 1254 N. Wells across the street from the shop.  No forced entry so either the door was left open by the landlord or one of their agents or else the thieves had the keys.  If you happen to come across one of these bikes please contact me at 312 643-1670 or jon@jclindbikes.com.  Thanks!


De Fietsfabriek Kelly Green Pack Max - this one is without a doubt the most unique of the three and should be easy to spot.  




















Civia Loring - Medium frame - apple green - SRAM i-motion 3 speed - Brooks B67 Brown - Front Rack
















Gouden Leeuw Oma - 50cm frame - Brooks B72 Brown saddle - Basil Front rack mount - single speed 


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Horrible.  We will be on the lookout and get the word out.

Sorry to hear that!  The landlord at that building sounds highly liable.


Good luck on recovery!

Ridiculous. Will keep an eye out for sure, these are very distinctive.

Facebook'd and Tweet'd this, with the #bikeCHI hashtag on Twitter
What a nightmare. Whoever stole these is a total moron thinking they won't be spotted in a heart beat.
It was posted by StolenBicicleta on their twitter account. I hope you find the bikes.
That is awful!  I will definitely keep my eye out.  On a happier note, I really love the Linus that I bought from you.   
Thank you everyone for keeping your eyes open.  I agree that with the bikes being as distinctive as they are they should resurface at some point.  I also agree that the landlord has some culpability but the only way to settle that would be with judge wapner and that's not something I'm interested in dealing with.

The middle green Civia is outside of the Art Institute as I write this. Just saw someone locking it up a few minutes ago. Not sure if it is the same one, however. Also, it does not have the front rack.


Thanks for looking out Laurie, I wish I could get away from the shop to investigate.  If you happen to see it again and have the ability to take a photo, I would be grateful.  Thanks!!
Thank you very much for emailing that photo Laurie, that's one of my customers bikes.  Your effort is very much appreciated.  

Laurie Chipps said:

The middle green Civia is outside of the Art Institute as I write this. Just saw someone locking it up a few minutes ago. Not sure if it is the same one, however. Also, it does not have the front rack.


unfortunately, i didn't write down the serial numbers for the civia or the golden lion.  the green de fietsfabriek doesn't have a serial number but has a wheel lock with a key number that i can match, however the key won't be with the bike if it's locked.  it's not going to be easy to prove out the civia or golden lion but i'm hopeful that the green de fietsfabriek will show it's head somewhere, that was a one of a kind paint job on that bike.

M.A.R.K. said:
Jon.. Is there any solid way of ID'ing these bikes(serial numbers, etc.)? If so, please include that info. That way, if they are found, the police can easily be called, or locks can just be thrown on the bikes until you(or someone else in the shop) can get to them.
I definately reccomend going to the Swaporama in Chicago this weekend.  Many bicycles end up here the first weekend after they are stolen.


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