you know the drill.. if you can't find it, can't afford it, or can't imagine how you'll live without it - post it here.

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Only thing missing is the engine=) Vroommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Ultimate freeride bike and still made in the U.S.A. in Cali.
ok, what size is it?

you do realize i said fifty dollars.

Krank said:
Do you care what size it is?

o0_dan_0o said:
i got 50 dollars cash money for the softride. right now. take it or leave it.

GabeW said:
Don't kid too much - I've been looking for info and websites for track racing and bikes. Soooo hard to find now, it's all messenger style stuff. (not trying to put down the city track bike riders, just noticing)

Jon said:
WOH WOH WOH, is that a track frame...actually at a track?!?!

I kid, I kid.

Small.....Add a couple of Franklins and it's yours. Would make a cool fixie!

o0_dan_0o said:
ok, what size is it?

you do realize i said fifty dollars.

Krank said:
Do you care what size it is?

o0_dan_0o said:
i got 50 dollars cash money for the softride. right now. take it or leave it.


TATI Model T track racer with carbon fork, full Miche gruppo, Kashimax Fivegold, and Schwalbe tires.

TATI Model T retro track racer with mixed Sugino/Deda/Thomson kit, green Brooks B17 & matching tape + Vittoria Evo CX tires.



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