You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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How is the driver an idiot and how do you know they are waving you on if the windshield is a mirror?


Also, how much danger are you putting yourself in to enter the intersection?  I mean maybe you are just that much faster than I am but I know that I can stop my bike in about 1' at the speeds I reach crossing an intersection from a stop.  I am perfectly OK entering the intersection because I am pretty sure that if the motorist does start to move I can get stopped in time to avoid being run down.


Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

Can you elaborate on how the driver is a proven idiot?

Jeff Markus said:

The "wave" is of particular irritation when you sit at stop and the windshield of the car is a mirror due to the streetlights above the car. And you know the driver is waving and swearing but as a frail bike you are not willing to tempt fate by riding infront of a proven idiot in a couple of tons of machinery.


The Chicagoan

Re: stopping at all stop signs and yielding right of way.

About a week ago:


Me: Walking with my girlfriend and crossing a small side street with a stop sign. No traffic around.


You: Riding towards the cross walk in a responsible mannor.


We slowed down to let you continue with out having to stop.

We were looking at you and trying to time the cross so there was no impedance to our stride or your cycling. (I hate it when pedestians are crossing streets and don't bother to look at their surroundings.) You decided to slow down as well thus making it one of those wierd stand offs of "you go first.. no you go first." You let us cross and I said thanks. You then said (in what I percieved as a snooty tone), "You have the right of way." And continued on your way.

This didn't ruin my night, but a "No problem" or "Your welcome" would have been a better responce for me.

Watched a guy swerve into the left edge of the lane on Milwaukee Ave, headed north over the bridge on the highway. He wasn't looking or wearing a helmet, and he didn't signal. He just did it and almost got himself run over by a motorcyclist. Was he turning? Nope. Just being too cool for school and the right lane.


I wanted to let the motorcyclist know how much of a dickmove that was on the cyclist's part but whatever.

I am so on board with your feelings here.  Those weird 'you go... no you go...' situations are awkward but both parties should be happy the other was trying to respect their right to the road.

Davo said:

Re: stopping at all stop signs and yielding right of way.

About a week ago:


Me: Walking with my girlfriend and crossing a small side street with a stop sign. No traffic around.


You: Riding towards the cross walk in a responsible mannor.


We slowed down to let you continue with out having to stop.

We were looking at you and trying to time the cross so there was no impedance to our stride or your cycling. (I hate it when pedestians are crossing streets and don't bother to look at their surroundings.) You decided to slow down as well thus making it one of those wierd stand offs of "you go first.. no you go first." You let us cross and I said thanks. You then said (in what I percieved as a snooty tone), "You have the right of way." And continued on your way.

This didn't ruin my night, but a "No problem" or "Your welcome" would have been a better responce for me.

You: stuck in traffic west-bound on Wilson in your UPS truck.


Me: happily cycling by glad that at least one day this week has wrapped up.


You: turn on your flashers but stay in the line of traffic


Me: assuming you're making a delivery but leaving me enough room to ride by, waving to say "Hey, thanks for the room--"


You: "Learn to pay attention to the road cocksucker!"


Me: ?


Then thanks at least for the laugh last night, and making me remember I don't ride a bike for anyone but myself.  And I love this thread, although I feel like I have to check it everyday in case someone caught me doing something douche-y.

Dear Pedestrian Crossing Onterio,


I am very glad I was able to slam on my brakes and stop myself when you darted out in front of me after my light had turned green.  Fortunately, the cars to my left where also vigilant and slammed on their brakes as well.


I am also very glad that I was able to un-clip just before teetering over after my sudden stop. 


I hope that was a significant reason you needed that extra 60 seconds you gained on your commute, otherwise I cannot understand why you risked your life. 

Dear Pedestrians near Van Buren between State and Wells,


Please do everyone a favor and obey traffic lights, use cross walks, and *look* before darting across Van Buren from between two parked trucks. I'm going to cream one of you one of these days, and it's not going to be my fault.

it is those crazy caffiene buzzed traders and clerks and runners from the exchanges crossing the streets.

I work for CME and can vouch for the fact that very very few of those type have an ounce of patience

milliseconds can cost you millions of dollars


When i ride down Wells goin to work pedestrians are always crossing against the light and don't count bikers as somethin worth payin attention to. So many missed connections. I usually start screamin either the music i'm listenin to, how important i am, or a death scream about 300 yards out. usually gets 'em to stop. :-)
Wells, and probably the Loop in general, is definitely a place I always see pedestrians blindly following anyone in front of them. If one person begins to cross the street, the whole mob at that corner automatically assumes it must be safe and follows, usually without even looking. One person against traffic is usually easy to move around, but a stack of a dozen usually requires me to stop.
So you blame the pedestrian for your decision to use clipless pedals and the near crash caused by wearing said pedals?

Liz said:

Dear Pedestrian Crossing Onterio,


I am very glad I was able to slam on my brakes and stop myself when you darted out in front of me after my light had turned green.  Fortunately, the cars to my left where also vigilant and slammed on their brakes as well.


I am also very glad that I was able to un-clip just before teetering over after my sudden stop. 


I hope that was a significant reason you needed that extra 60 seconds you gained on your commute, otherwise I cannot understand why you risked your life. 

Me riding East on Armitage at the L tracks on a damp and drizzly AM

You and your buddy in a white Dodge Caravan work-van/Silver Jetta


Thanks to both of you for pulling out with disregard to oncoming traffic and no turn signal across the bike lane causing me to jam on my breaks and lay my bike down to avoid rear ending you or riding into traffic. (serious thank you to the nice woman who asked if I was OK and would be a witness to his behaviour for me.) When I caught up to you and asked what you were thinking I fail to understand how "you have that bike path thingy" is an acceptable response to my question. PLEASE make sure you look in your mirror the next time you pull away from your bagel/tea or whatever run.


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