I received the following today:

Sara Al-Farhan wrote:


    My name is Sara and I'm a Northwesternd graduate student at the Medill school of Journalism. I'm covering transportation here in Evanston and I'm interested in writing an article about the critical mass event that you have every month. I came to fountain square on the first Friday of November but didn't see anyone there. Will you be gathering this Friday?


    - Sara

Just thought I'd make one token effort to see if anyone was willing to champion it before taking the web page down.

It's a bummer to see a ride listed and be the only one who shows, and none of the smaller masses have proven to be the least bit self-sustaining without some sort of ongoing commitment to stewardship on someone's part.

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Anyone heard from Vic lately???
I just suppressed the listing for Evanston on chicagocriticalmass.org/fridays. My sense is Pilsen and Oak Park probably have many months with no one showing up. Also, isn't there a Humboldt Park CM?

I'd like to put a note on the 'Fridays' page setting expectations that the neighborhood rides have small turn-outs with occasional no-shows, but I don't want to poison the well.

Anyone have any ideas?

Ride report for the Evanston Critical Mass ride, 9/2/2011 here.


Oh Thunder Snow, you mass of one! 


Next month, we'll mass together if you're able. (I work right around NU.)

You're on!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

Next month, we'll mass together if you're able. (I work right around NU.)

Id love to join as well.

Julie Hochstadter said:
Id love to join as well.
Thanks, h'!  Yeah, I'm using theChainlink to work on my writing, develop a "writer's voice", that sort of thing.  Glad you liked the piece.  Now, if I could only figure out how to write something that would sell...

h' said:

Wow, I enjoyed that immensely-- great writing.

Brings to mind a story of a Stuttgart CM that was published in Chris Carlson's CM book-- will edit if I can find it online.


Edit-- best I can do-- actual account of the ride starts on page 47.



Thanks again, h'--I just finished reading the amazing Stuttgart ride report you so kindly pointed me to.  Now I want a cycling t-shirt that says: "Ich bin eine kritische Masse/ I am Critical Mass" on the front and "The Revolution will not be motorized" on the reverse.

Ride report for the 10/7/2011 Evanston Critical Mass Ride respectfully submitted here.

Nice, M.A.R.K.  I'm gonna listen to this playlist for the rest of the evening!

For anyone too young to get the reference, and there may be one or two of you reading this, we're punning on Gil Scott-Heron's epic Nixon-era "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised."

M.A.R.K.'s version is the wonderful stripped-down drum version of the rap, while here's a more fully orchestrated version with graphics:


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