Hey Chainlinkers...

my wife and I parked our bikes outside a friend's house in Evanston this afternoon. They were locked to a good sized tree with 2 ulocks and a cable...we came out and they were gone. Please keep you eyes open, they are both pretty identifiable bikes, and any information would be much appreciated. Police reports have been filed and they are going up on the stolen bike registry ASAP. if anyone sees them, please contact Elliot at elliotcbennett@gmail.com


Bike #1:

Grey & Green Novara Safari

Front & Rear Racks

Generator lights

butterfly handlebars

Brown Leather Saddle & Bar Tape (coming unraveled on the right side)


Bike #2:

Red & White Novara Transfer

Silver Rear Rack

Generator Lights

Butterfly handlebars w/ black bartape (unraveling on the left side)

7 Speed internal drive train


Photos to come when my internet isnt so slow.


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Eliot, I'm really sorry to hear about this.  We will keep a lookout.

Thanks Julie...I am super bummed. I had logged almost 14,000 miles on my Safari, it was more of a friend than a bike.


Julie Hochstadter said:

Eliot, I'm really sorry to hear about this.  We will keep a lookout.
Lots of photos of the Safari in my profile

omg noooo! that bike is so recognizable, i'm sure someone will see it.

but what did they do, chop the tree down to get it??? or was it a 'trick' tree not really attached to the ground.

sorry for your loss elliot!

I feel for your loss.  Hopefully they will show up.    Cables are worthless except as a secondary solution to maybe slow them down on your wheels.  Cables just aren't up to the task in Chicago to lock up a frame.  





Bikes were seen at the Swap O Rama on 42nd and Ashland.


Older Man, Shorter White Curly hair (50's & 60's) walking around the meet trying to sell them. He was 5'5ish with a dark complection, possibly hispanic. Report has been filed with the police, if anyone is going to the meet tommorow, please keep an eye out. If they are seen again, please call the police and report it immediately: Police Case Numbers are: 11-23047 and 11-23048 with the Evanston PD.


According to the vendor who called me to let me know about the sighting, this same guy got beaten up last week by sombody who found him selling a stolen bike that belonged to them. So it sounds like he is a regular...


Thanks everyone for the help

And I was just about to tell you to check the Swap-O-Rama.
Swap-O-Rama again?  Man, that place should be shut down...if it wasn't such a great place to buy a cheap used bike!  ;>P
I was keeping an eye out for them today(but I'm on the north side)...They are very distinctive and anyone daring to ride them on Chicago streets will be caught.

@ James - Frames were locked with Ulocks. Cable was just for the wheels.


@ Presley - Thanks a bunch. That is my hope, they are unique for sure.

Our bikes were seen at Swap-o-Rama on 42nd and Ashland again yesterday. If anyone has time and would be willing to go look for them on Saturday that would be awesome. If you see either bike, call 911 immediately and report that you have seen a stolen bicycle and would like assistance to recover it. You can reference case numbers: 11-23047 and 11-23048 with the Evanston PD


A bunch of us who usually go are out of town or we would be there.


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