Hi all... unfortunately my current set-up does not allow for me to install a full front fender. I do have a mud guard but my rain pants were covered in a spray of salty whiteness when I arrived this morning. How do you all stay road grime free on your commutes?

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Clip Ons work For Me I stay mostly dry. On really wet days I get more wet from Passing car then from my tires
How [in]secure are those Raceblades, or the clip-ons? Can they be bolted? I'm slacking by not looking it up, but I thought I'd ask....
terryg said:
How [in]secure are those Raceblades, or the clip-ons? Can they be bolted? I'm slacking by not looking it up, but I thought I'd ask....

These fenders stay on even when I get a toe over lapat stop lites

That's one dirty bike! :')
About those Perfomance booties: I use mine mostly for commuting. They fit perfectly over my Sperry Top Sider slip ons. I just leave the shoes in the booties, and keep my regular shoes at work. Saves time and effort (and probably wear on the booties). I second the motion for SKS Race blades (mine require some regular adjustments, but they get the job done) and rain pants.


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