because they would pump themselves as you ride.


Have a super weekend !!!



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A great solution in search of a non-existing problem.

Or am I the only one who thinks that inflating your tires every once in a while does not meet the definition of "a problem"?

Wait, he wants $250,000 to start producing those tires?


+1. Better living through technology.

Duppie said:

A great solution in search of a non-existing problem.

Or am I the only one who thinks that inflating your tires every once in a while does not meet the definition of "a problem"?

Wait, he wants $250,000 to start producing those tires?


He'll probably need another $250K to develop the patching kit.

How would you patch a blowout from self-inflating tires? 


"Hey, they pump up themselves!"  BOOM!
Len Krietz said:

He'll probably need another $250K to develop the patching kit.
How could you ride for a mile as it slowly inflates from 22 psi? and I doubt it would do anything for the high pressure tires out there.

There is always some crackpot inventor trying to improve or eliminate the pneumatic tire.


Sheldon didn't have much good to say about them.


Sounds like a solution in search of a problem to me.


Personally, I would like to see tubeless tire designs taken further, as well as self-healing and more puncture-resistant tubeless tire carcasses.  In another 10-15 years I bet tube-type tires are going to be pretty rare on bicycles and everyone will be running tubeless.  


Get a damn high-quality floor pump and use it every once in a while.  How hard is that -really?

you got good point about that !

James BlackHeron said:

Get a damn high-quality floor pump and use it every once in a while.  How hard is that -really?

Wonder if the Bike Snob saw this yet?
I could see it's application if your on a long distance trip and want to make time but other than that...?


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