Anyone interested in riding bikes, dressing up and watching 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' at the Music Box Theater?

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I can't come to the one tonight, but I am completely down for a midnight showing in the future (especially because even though I've lived in Chicago for three years, haven't gone to a showing here).
Next time I will post it earlier. I was thinking this afternoon about how to get out to the Music Box Theater and thought I may look a little strange riding my bicycle alone dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter.

lauren eg said:
I can't come to the one tonight, but I am completely down for a midnight showing in the future (especially because even though I've lived in Chicago for three years, haven't gone to a showing here).

Make it an "event" if you will, I'll go.

Haven't seen it in years.

I will dress as Magenta. You will have a partner-in-costume.

Rizzo said:
Next time I will post it earlier. I was thinking this afternoon about how to get out to the Music Box Theater and thought I may look a little strange riding my bicycle alone dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter.

lauren eg said:
I can't come to the one tonight, but I am completely down for a midnight showing in the future (especially because even though I've lived in Chicago for three years, haven't gone to a showing here).

Heck, I've not gone to RHPS in years -not since I moved to Chicago.  


What days do they show it at the Music Box?    


Having an event/ride that culminated at a show would be SUPER awesome.  I'm going to the music box site right now to do more research.  

Missed it in town.  It's in Willmett next week and then not for months again.


Wow, either RHPS isn't that popular in Chicago (compared to Madison where it was done EVERY month) or it is dying out :( 

Well the only reason to go is to shoot super soakers, throw rice and toast and long ago movie theaters started banning that because of the mess.

James BlackHeron said:

Missed it in town.  It's in Willmett next week and then not for months again.


Wow, either RHPS isn't that popular in Chicago (compared to Madison where it was done EVERY month) or it is dying out :( 

Madison banned all those projectile/messy activities 20 years ago -and it never had an issue with attendance.   It's all vocal callbacks -the messy props that the theaters hate are not at all necessary.
It was fun last night. I will keep my eyes peeled for any showings in Chicago. If I do find a showing I will create an event and give everyone a little more notice. Post in this forum if you see the movie playing in Chicago. Always fun watching the movie and I would love to incorporate a bike ride into the event.

It looks like the Music Box Theater shows RHPS the third Saturday of each month, so I will post a ride when we get closer to the showing. Any thoughts about length of ride or starting point? I figure we could start the ride a little early and hit up a couple of drinking establishments along the way. Please share your thoughts.

Posted the Rocky Horror Picture ride.


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