On wednesday the 10th I was bicycling around Albany Park delivering sandwiches for Jimmy Johns.  At around 1:30pm, I was struck down.  I have no memory of what happened.  The last thing I remember is riding east on lawrence between kedzie and kimball and waving to a friend of mine.  A witness called an ambulance and I was rushed to St. Vincent's in Evanston.  I woke up a day later.  I had a severe concussion and a head wound down to the skull, but very luckily not a skull fracture.  I have to take anti-seizure medication and am forced to stay off the bike for at least 6 months.  If anyone has any information as to how I was struck down it I would be eternally grateful. There are some odd clues though.  There's no damage to the bike.  I ride a single speed origin 8 frame with a weinmann 18dp wheelset.  The last time I had a minor fall I at least knocked the headset off.  but nope- all components are in perfect working order. The fingerless gloves I wear are completely covered in blood, like I protected myself or at least tried to.  Again, any information would be helpful.  Also, I'm now in the market for an adult tricycle if anyone knows of one for sale somewhere.   

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Though I'm a total newbie to this forum, I wish you the best in your recovery.


I lived at Wilson and Kedzie for some time, and I commuted to work via Lawrence rain or shine, so I know the area too. I never came across any troubles except for some sketchiness at night. Hopefully it all comes back you and your questions are answered.

Have you considered contacting businesses in the area to find out if any security cameras may have captured something?

Can I ask where on your head your wound is located?

It could be possible you were hit by someone swinging something out of a passing car window, or by a mirror or material hanging off the side of a passing truck.

Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Carly, I'd also like to wish you a speedy recovery and hope you figure out what happened to you! 



I wanna go the the benefit - does anyone know the address to The Hollywood Bar?  

Carly, hope you can show those doctors they were wrong, and you can get back on your bike very very soon.   Wish you all the best and a quick recovery.

Your story is quite frightening.   I hope you can find a 3-wheeler that allows you to continue biking while you recover and can allow you to stay delivering for JJ's if that is what you like doing and are happy there.


Maybe check on Craigslist for possible 3-wheelers.  They tend to run the gamut of prices and maybe something that is solid but needs some minor work would be more affordable to you.  Perhaps a good sumaratan in the bicycle mechanics community might help you with fixing it up and getting it into ridable shape.


My only concern with a 3-wheeler is that it SO far away from a single-speed lightweight that it might take a lot of getting used to.   They are much slower and take a lot more energy to propel.  But if you are having seizure issues perhaps this is a really good idea until that is 100% under control again.

Town & country Schwinn adult trike for $250

Another for $300


I would suggest that if you do get a trike you are going to want one with gears -the Schwinn has a 3-speed hub which will work well for you.   A single-speed trike will be very slow or overgeared.  One needs gears on a heavier bike.

Sounds like alien abduction.

hey try contacting kevin T on the chainlink http://www.thechainlink.org/profile/KevinT?xg_source=profiles_membe...

I gave him a folding trike to work on and try to sell. Its a bit beat up but its bright orange and it works.

That sucks!!!!


Get better soon....


Karma is coming back to that person that caused this to you...

Thought of this post when I read this article "Bike Crash Wiped Details; GPS Data Filled Them In" http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/06/science/06accident.html?hpw

Doesn't help you with current situation but interesting nevertheless.


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