I was checking out their site and they seem to have decent reviews online, anyone here ever try them?

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Alas, we don't sell the Walz caps. They look nice. Instead, we sell two locally made brands, Kozy Prerie and Floyd Boberg, from logan square and humboldt park respectively. They are both made with recycled fabrics, so no two are alike.As well we have Bianchi caps, and some nice wool caps my by Endura of Scotland for the winter.

Kelvin Mulcky said:


Hey Vando!

I'm the Wholesale/New Business Manager for Walz, and I just came across your post here.  I wanted to let you know that we're about to release a new model, it has a shorter bill length then our standard caps, and will be a solid black cotton 4-panel, really old-school look to it!  


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