Hey guys, 


I have been toying around with app creation on the Android platform and I had an idea I wanted to run past you all. I want to create an app for this forum. I would model it off after the XDA forums app and build it from the ground up. I'm sure I would have to get in contact with an administrator here for some resources but before I got too involved with the details, I had a question for everyone...


Would you use an app to access these forums? No sense in building something if there is no demand ;).



Well except for the challenge of it.  

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I've been using the mobile version of the site in the browser but Ning's mobile site is kind of busted and a lot of things are inaccessible. I'd definitely use a chainlink app.
Thanks for the suggestions. Users, tell us your thoughts please.
I'd use it!!!
I use the full site through my phone (EVO) and have only one issue. The links are tiny and I have to make the screen bigger to get most of them.
If you want to build a bike app on Droid, I've got an idea of a crash app that I'd be happy to pass-along or talk to you about.
One more reason to dump my iCrack for an Android.

Great idea :)


Cool, seems like you guys are all on board. Leah, I'd like to talk about that idea as well.
Yea! I would use it! You should definitely make it, that would be awesome!
I would rather be able to see the calender and groups on the mobile site before bothering with an app. Creating a good, user friendly mobile site works for all phone operating systems and reaching more users.
Mobile website? I agree this might actually be a good idea. But I must tell you all, I am actually not involved with the creation, development, or maintenance of www.thechainlink.org. I'm in no was associated with the creation of the mobile site. Im just a user like you guys who likes toying around with app development...

I would use it!



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