Has anyone had success getting the city to remove an abandoned bike?

...because I sure haven't.

There has been a very neglected, obviously abandoned, bike locked to a bicycle rack outside of my workplace for what seems like an eternity (it's been there at least since November '10). I have been calling the city relentlessly since February requesting that it be removed. The last 2 times I've called I was told the request would be marked "urgent" and that they would "get to it as soon as possible." Still nothing. I know the city likes to takes its sweet ol' time with things like this, but c'mon...5 months and counting?

With the summer bicyclists now emerging, parking spots are becoming more and more scarce. I want all the available bike racks I can get! Yes, I also requested (last year) another bike rack to be installed. You can probably guess the outcome of that as well.

What else can I do to free up this spot? I'm not interested in the DIY angle grinder method. Does anyone have any kind of hookup with the city to make this happen?

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Thank you for your words of encouragement, Michael.  Instead of just giving up on this like most people probably do, I intend to find out what is going wrong with this section of the bike program.  Is there no one in charge of handling these requests anymore?  Do the reports just get lost in the system?  What is it?  The reason that I'm not letting this go is to make it easier for everyone else.  ...and my own stubbornness. 

Michael Brosilow said:

"Since February" At what point do you realize that it ain't gonna happen.

I hope you do get to the bottom of it.  I thought at one time there was a web-form to do this an now that link has seemed to disappear.  It seems that the city doesn't want to deal with the problem. Perhaps they think that it'll go away on its own?  


It is sad because there are a lot of nice parts and frames going to rust sitting around unloved unwanted and other than the rebuild coops I know there must be others who would love to have a crack at some of them too. 


Such a waste. 

Laura Blake said:

Thank you for your words of encouragement, Michael.  Instead of just giving up on this like most people probably do, I intend to find out what is going wrong with this section of the bike program.  Is there no one in charge of handling these requests anymore?  Do the reports just get lost in the system?  What is it?  The reason that I'm not letting this go is to make it easier for everyone else.  ...and my own stubbornness. 

Michael Brosilow said:

Laura, I think the problem is that the city is short staffed and doesn't have enough workers to handle these types of things.  Apparently things like the forestry and rodent control programs are understaffed so I'm not surprised that removing abandoned bikes is near the bottom of the list.

Post the address on here. I'm sure someone will take care of it. :)

It just keeps getting better, folks!  Upon returning to work today after being gone on vacation, I come to find a MOTORCYCLE chained to the bike rack.  Yes, a MOTORCYCLE.  My coworkers told me that it had broken down and the owner locked it there a few days ago.  How infuriating!!!


I called the police, hoping that they would at least ticket it.  So far, nothing has happened.  Now the one and only bike rack at my workplace is occupied by an abandoned bike and a potentially abandoned motorcycle.  The universe hates me.


If it's any comfort, the universe is more than likely simply indifferent to you Laura. How was your vacation?

Laura Blake said:

  The universe hates me.


There's another on outside the 5/3 bank across from Daley Plaza. You know the deal, rusty chain dry rot flat tires...

Have you tried to contact anyone directly at CDOT? I know their are a few of you who lurk on the Chainlink who work there...


I thought that CDOT administered the bike removal program in Chicago... Maybe you haven't spoke with the right person yet?

If the only available rack is full I will occasionally lock my bike directly to an abandoned-looking bike.
I am curious to know where your abandoned bike is, Laura?

HALLELUJAH!!!  The bike gods have heard me!!  Today I noticed that the abandoned bicycle's u-lock has mysteriously *disappeared*!!  I had to look about 5 times to make sure my eyes weren't fooling me, but sure enough, my battle with this bike is finally over!  Yes, the bike is still presently sitting wedged under the bike rack...but unlocked.  The u-lock is gone, though. 

This leads me to my next question - Who is responsible for chopping off that u-lock?  Thank you thank you thank you!!  I'm assuming it has to be someone from chainlink.  A thief wouldn't leave the bike there and the city wouldn't leave it there either.  To whoever was responsible, I would really like to thank you.  I understand if you don't want to fess up publicly, so please send me a message letting me know!!

BTW, this whole abandoned bike and motorcycle (still unmoved) situation is taking place at 1401 W Webster Ave.  Anyone who wants a rusty women's schwinn roadbike for any reason is more than welcome to make that disappear, too...free for the taking now!!  Otherwise, I'm throwing that waste of space by the dumpster.


Now I just have that stupid motorcycle to contend with....

FYI, we (I) have been behind on Chainlink monitoring/discussing and missed this until now...I've passed it to a couple of people at CDOT so they are directly aware of this thread/issue.



Ethan Spotts, Active Trans


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