There is that old saying don't laugh when a hearse goes by...


It seems a few people are trying to get a grassroots policy on limiting and taking down ghost bikes.  Disrespectful.

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The people like DavidF and that Ed guy who was the OP really make me want to start banning cars. 

notoriousDUG said:

I cannot even read the comments there without feeling compelled to commit a violent crime against some of the posters there; I am going to refrain from posting because I have lost the ability to be civil but I thank all of you who have because there is some horrible shit going on over there.

Done.  Good discussion going, too, some folks are expressing curiosity about the Ghost Bikes.  Anyone with a link to pictures should chime in with a post.


The Platinum Rule states "Do unto others as they want done unto them."  


If Mr. Hooks' daughter's friends had created a memorial to her on public property would he ask for an expiration date??  I think not. And then he has the nerve to say "I grieve with them ... at a certain point, the family needs to go to the cemetery."  What a hypocrite!! Grieves with them but then wants to tell them how to grieve.  


Then there's the comment about being an unnecessary eyesore after spending months or years in Chicago weather.  Does that imply that if this was Nevada or Southern Cal it would be ok since they would not be subjected to Chicago weather?  This guy is a low life pos.  I try to ignore the ignorant but this one pissed me off.  

LOL @ legacy media.  If it is in print or on mainstream media (TV/Radio/magazines) it is biased wedge BS.  All reporters have a bias and their own agenda.
That D-bag is still on the ghost bikes? Someone needs to take him for a bike ride in the city to see first hand how dangerous it is/can be.
There is a whole lot of anti-cycling going on here!
That was on the COVER, I am beginning (correct me if it's always been this way) to think that the Sun Times is ANTI Bike.

h333 said:




Just sent to the "journalist."


The slant of this article is absolutely disgusting.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Ed Hooks presented false and misleading information to make his case, and did not deserve the great effort you went to to be made to look level-headed and reasonable in the face of unreasonable opposition.
You are absolutely trying to drive a wedge, even though you volunteered that you weren't.
Shame on you.

I'm less offended by the shoddy execution here than I am by the idea of a piece about how some windbag on a poorly trafficked discussion forum is complaining about something. I mean, who gives a fuck?

Oh, the execution is plenty shoddy and plenty offensive. The whole idea of picking out some random online crank and holding him up as one side of a debate is just unbelievably stupid, though. Hey, I'm a random online crank demanding that the Kennedy be turned into a community garden. Where's my Sun Times profile?

It's nice of this guy to complain about ghost bikes ruining his daily walk while he's trying to unload his condo and then presumably move out of the neighborhood.


Ed Hooks' website, complete with address and contact information, at least in the link below


Nice job doing some research on this concerned local citizen, Sun-times!

I read that today and the nitpicking and the "letter of the law" he was using is dumb.

To compare a person on a bike getting hit and killed is no way the same as someone experimenting with drugs and OD'ing.

Maybe put a big neon sign that says a person was killed by a careless motorist that would be better.


The pole it attatched to is rusty=eyesore.

Second there's an ad on the fence to the park sprayed with grafitti=double eysore.


My only comment in any way to his defense is if I had a relative/friend killed I wouldn't want to drive/ride by those everyday and be reminded, it would bum me out.

h333 said:




Just sent to the "journalist."


The slant of this article is absolutely disgusting.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Ed Hooks presented false and misleading information to make his case, and did not deserve the great effort you went to to be made to look level-headed and reasonable in the face of unreasonable opposition.
You are absolutely trying to drive a wedge, even though you volunteered that you weren't.
Shame on you.


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