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Heads won’t be the only things rolling at the Bastille Day Ride, brought to you by your intrepid friends at Homewood-Flossmoor Bike Fun Strike Force!

Although Bastille Day was not the actual day that Marie Antoinette was beheaded, it was still not a very good day for her. Also, she probably did NOT say, “Let them eat cake,” but she was executed, in part, because she was thought to be a tart. So close enough.

Join us July 16th for a fantastic, rolling tour through the area’s beautiful neighborhoods. Along the way, we will stop for cakes and confections provided to us by happy, singing French people in little berets. Or at least happy, willing vendors.

The event starts at Homewood’s French Market, located in the Village Hall Parking Lot, at Chestnut Rd. & Harwood Ave. in Homewood. This leisurely ride will be good for all ages (children must be able to ride in the street) and abilities.

Date & Time: July 16, 10:30 AM—1 PM

Distance: 8 easy miles punctuated with cake

Cost: $15 (Proceeds will buy bike parking racks for the French Market!)

T-shirt: $15 (design above)

Registration: capped at 30, and there's 20 left. Register on-line. All money raised goes toward buying the Homewood French Market a très magnifique high capacity bike rack.

More info: or 708/365-9365.

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If it wasn't for Tour-de-Fat I would be all over this!


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