UPDATE - The Chainlink's Blog Roll is Live.  Check it out here!  

(It's very much a list-in progress).



It's time to update our blog section. This list hasn't been updated in almost 2 years!


Post your suggestions here or send them to blogs@thechainlink.org.


Ben Likes Bikes
Bike Commuters
Bike Curious
Bike Snob NYC
Chicago Bike Blog
Chicago Wanderer
Dave Moulton's Blog
Fat Cyclist
George On A Bike
Hipster Nascar
Let's Go Ride A Bike
Mr. Pither
LiveJournal Bike Community
Practical Pedal
The Safety Is Sexy Campaign
Urban Velo
Vote With Your Feet

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I'm a ChicagoNow blogger. I have a few entries here and there about biking but my entry on Tuesday was about my new bike. http://www.chicagonow.com/swim-tri-sail-chicago/2011/07/meet-my-new...


Also if anyone would like to contribute to ChicagoNow this is a free platform, with a catch. Any user content is non-exclusively licensed to the Tribune Co. but if you're a blogger you know that it means traffic. So let me know, email me at swimtrisailchicago@gmail.com if you ever feel like posting something.

I'll keep reading the awesome stuff on this place. I'm a newbie when it comes to learning about bike mechanics but I like to get my hands dirty.

Enjoy the weather!


The Illinois Bicycle Lawyer: http://www.illinoisbicyclelaw.com/
So is my aunt! Her blog isn't bike related, but her ChicagoNow blog is South Side Sports Chick.

Margie S said:

I'm a ChicagoNow blogger. I have a few entries here and there about biking but my entry on Tuesday was about my new bike. http://www.chicagonow.com/swim-tri-sail-chicago/2011/07/meet-my-new...


Also if anyone would like to contribute to ChicagoNow this is a free platform, with a catch. Any user content is non-exclusively licensed to the Tribune Co. but if you're a blogger you know that it means traffic. So let me know, email me at swimtrisailchicago@gmail.com if you ever feel like posting something.

I'll keep reading the awesome stuff on this place. I'm a newbie when it comes to learning about bike mechanics but I like to get my hands dirty.

Enjoy the weather!


Hey! About time the bike blog section was updated. Here's mine:




Bike blogging from a SW suburbs POV. Soon to include pix & narrative from a ride in Gloucester, Mass.! Yes,l the dude gets around.

Well, there's my blog  http://dingdingletsride.com,  Bike Fancy, http://bikefancy.blogspot.com/, One less minivan, http://onelessminivan.tumblr.com/, chicargobike, http://chicargobike.blogspot.com/, just to name a few I don't see on the list.


My blog over at www.balloonbiker.com/blog. Right now it's not so much chicago centric as I am on your, but I do mention Chicago and older posts are about biking in Chicago....and about balloons, of course.

I love many of the sites listed above, especially those involving cycling while wearing dresses or hauling kids around!


I've been blogging for two months at




and also have a new bike/pedestrian advocacy group to go along with it. Contact me if you'd like to get involved in Lincoln Park at bikewalklincolnpark at gmail dot com

Excellent blog, Adam. 

The suburbs need more voices. 

I've added Cycling the Suburbs to the Grid Chicago blogroll

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

What kind of blogger would I be if I didn't promote the blog I started yesterday. Cycling the Suburbs.


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