Hi everyone, just wanted to say I'm kindda new to this site ( I just sat in the wings and read) but it's awsome how many people bike and get toghter. I had no idea.  I used to tour when I was in the Marines and stationed in North Carolina. Just weekend stuff. I used to ride a Trek 620. Rode it all the way home after serving in combat in Desert Storm, after 3 days of being home it was stolen. Now I'm biking again and want to do some weekend tours again. I'm married with 3 kids and 2 dogs, I tell my wife how much I miss touring and she said "just do it before I drop you're ass off in the middle of nowwhere and leave you and your bike there" Wow what a dream....No Kids, No Dogs, NNNOOO WWWIFE, Awsome, haha !!!!

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Come to the L.A.T.E. ride Saturday night. It is a fun city ride.




Welcome back to the road.

There's a group on here called Chainlink Tourers that has a lot of good information on all aspects of bike touring.




Jami has also put together a great resource of campgrounds (under the Chainlink Tourers S24O topic) that are close to Chicago for either riding to all the way or taking Metra part-way: Chicagoland Camping Locations



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