STOLEN BIKE ALERT: This bike was stolen from the corner of Milwaukee/Sawyer at 8am Saturday. Grey Bianchi 2004 Pista, pink Velocity Deep Vs laced to pink Phil Wood hubs, pink saddle. 

PLEASE CALL POLICE IF SEEN. Then contact Alexis Finch at to let us know it's been found

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It has pedals - theyre very hard to see in the pic but it looks like they're CrankBrothers...

James Baum said:

Must have been just visiting visiting because I've never seen that bike before and I walk up sawyer, past Rey's office, and cross Milwaukee every day to shop at Sunrise Market or turn to go to the Logan and see a movie.  I notice all the new bikes.  (The guy with the decrepit Schwiinn 3-speed in front of Rey's office without the shifter cable attached makes me cringe.  One of these day's I'm going to stuff my business card into a crevice.  All it needs is a new indicator chain and it would then have all 3 speeds back.  Cheap fix, the part is like $5 at Boulevard -but I digress.)


Was it parked inside somewhere when it was stolen?


Pretty pink rims, hubs and stubbars.  Probably pedals might make it easier to ride. 

Since it takes approximately 24 seconds to loosen ONE BOLT with a pair of commonly available wrenches one can buy at the dollar store, yeah I'd call any sign with one bolt to be a sucker pole.  It's actually more work to loosen two nutted bolts to the front wheel than take off that ONE BOLT on the pole.  It's almost as easy as popping a QR if you have a couple of wrenches.


What happened to all the "retained as a courtesy to bicycles" parking meters?   


I walked to the grocery store yesterday morning and there wasn't a SINGLE bike locked to the many new racks in front of Rey's office on Sawyer.  Did the Satin Rings take them all?  Or did everyone go to CCM and not finish and leave their bikes down on 35th street and the LFP?


Or maybe, like the dude who's severely busted chain I fixed in Daley Square before the ride, their bikes were in such disrepair that they never made it back home before they broke down?

H3N3 said:

We get a lot of reports of poles unbolted/removed from Milwaukee from about Armitage to about Logan/Kedzie or so.  People who know the neighborhood have suggested that a local . . . "social network" with a name rhyming with "Satin Rings" may be behind, or involved in a lot of these thefts, for whatever that information may be worth.
Technically, a "sucker pole" is a pole that has no bolt.  From the reports we receive it's pretty clear that these are normal/intact signposts when the victims lock to them.  Would warning stickers warn not to lock to any signpoles at all?

They should've just left the damn things all in, and stickered them all.

James Baum said:

What happened to all the "retained as a courtesy to bicycles" parking meters?   




They are valuable pieces of equipment on the used market.  The shells even are quite pricey even with the guts removed -enough that they are worth it to pull them out after labor to sell them.    LAZ owns this city's parking and the equipment now and they are going to do with it what they want.   Thank the former Mayor and the Machine that still is in power for that decision and the "payday loan" deal they made with LAZ.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

They should've just left the damn things all in, and stickered them all.

James Baum said:

What happened to all the "retained as a courtesy to bicycles" parking meters?   



James Baum said:



They are valuable pieces of equipment on the used market.  The shells even are quite pricey even with the guts removed -enough that they are worth it to pull them out after labor to sell them.    LAZ owns this city's parking and the equipment now and they are going to do with it what they want.   Thank the former Mayor and the Machine that still is in power for that decision and the "payday loan" deal they made with LAZ.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

They should've just left the damn things all in, and stickered them all.

James Baum said:

What happened to all the "retained as a courtesy to bicycles" parking meters?   


LAST SEEN: 3838 W George
someone was trying to hacksaw through the U-Lock.

Multiple witnesses saw it being ridden around near the Harding Apartments [next to the Golden Nugget]. It seems they keep within the perimeter of: Pulaski / Diversey / Central Park / Milwaukee.


PLEASE CALL POLICE IF SEEN. Then contact Alexis Finch at

hope you get that beauty back....maybe check the swap-o-rama saturday/sunday ? (someone may need ~$25 holiday booze /bomb good luck
Regarding these sucker poles... Has anyone tried just buying a new nut and a bolt that is extra long, and attaching and bending the bolt after? I would consider it if I saw a sucker pole outside my home. That would make them at least have to hacksaw the bolt off to reconvert it to a sucker pole.
And it would be fun to hang out and watch their "wtf" expression...

Jason W said:
Regarding these sucker poles... Has anyone tried just buying a new nut and a bolt that is extra long, and attaching and bending the bolt after? I would consider it if I saw a sucker pole outside my home. That would make them at least have to hacksaw the bolt off to reconvert it to a sucker pole.
I am in the 'hood today at around 3:00-4:00. I'll keep an eye out for this tricked-out and distinctive $27 bike. (Seriously. $27?!!)


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