See it to your right? Just curious here.. What is the single biggest donation the chainlink has received so far?

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How about.... who is the first couple to list "The Chainlink" as an optional place to donate money too in their name, vs receiving a wedding present? And how much money will be donated in their name?

Well, we could all say "hey, I've donated xxx to date" and then make a total ourselves.

I still don't know what that would accomplish.

If this were running as a non-profit, there would still be salaried staff presumably.

Look at some of Chicago's non-profits and what their CEO's make:

Below are $400,000 plus.

Shedd Aquarium

Field Museum

Museum of Science and Industry

Art Institute of Chicago


I doubt Julie's pulling down $400K with this site.  But if she were, I would say Kudos!

I look at it this way.  What would I pay for this resource annually if it were a pay site.  Then I contribute accordingly.


Since M.A.R.K. just now noticed the "donate" button, I suspect he has paid $0.00 for this service so far.  That's a helluva deal!


Nothing in the disclaimer page says they are trying to lose money...



Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

I want to see this site's long form birth certificate!

Did Howard post something and then delete it? There is a disconnect in the beginning of the thread.
I think I can guess what it was from the context.

I'm cool with your $0 donation.  I'm sure ownership is too. 

Do I think your post is dickish?  Yeah.  But hey, that's just my opinion.

That's the problem with the written word; sometimes intent (inflection, facial expression, etc.) doesn't come through.  Then all this sh*t starts.

Oh well, everybody have a good weekend and happy cycling.

Here's to hopefully a warm & sunny weekend.

M.A.R.K. said:

You're right, I have donated $0.00.. It has been talked about before, in the humble beginnings of this site. I Would gladly donate/contribute to operating costs of an ad free site(or even a site that ran ads by local businesses, shops, etc.) vs. ad generating and info sharing money machine that is the NING network/platform.


I fail to see how my genuine curiosity demands such responses like, "I get it-- this is like a test to see how Julie handles dickish posts now that Leah is out of the picture?" from site moderators. You gotta give respect to get it. And up until now, I had great respect(for the most part)for this site, and it's mods. Again, I did not ask what the financials are or how much profit is being made, I really don't give a crap cause I do not donate. If I did, it would be more along the lines of what CHucko said. I saw the donate button and was simply curious to what the single highest donation that the site had received. But I guess being curious is far to taboo in this arena.

in it to win it said:

Since M.A.R.K. just now noticed the "donate" button, I suspect he has paid $0.00 for this service so far.  That's a helluva deal!

Nothing in the disclaimer page says they are trying to lose money...

I think it's dickish to assume someone has bad intent from a simple question that comes from curiosity. It shows someone's character when they make assumptions about the intent of others and assume it to be negative.


It's a pet peve of mine and there are some people are here that are very good at it.


If I assumed that something you said had ill intentions unless it was crystal clear, how would that make you feel? It is the equivalent of me calling you a liar, cheat, and no good person without something to back it up.


It's a horrible thing, don't do it.

...also think about people who have donated their time and resources. What's that to ya?

I posted and though better of it immediately.  I knew MARK would see it in his e-mail alert but figured he'd just think I regretted posting it and respect that.  Instead he made it a point to drag it out here for maximum drama.  I had no intent of commenting further.

Was the "site mod" comment supposed to be aimed at me? I have not had any role in the chainlink for a good two years.

MARK, why didn't you address Julie personally about this instead of stirring it up publicly? You know from your early experience with Leah that that clearly would have been Leah's response to you.  I stand by my assessment that you're like a little kid testing the limits with a new teacher.

M.A.R.K. said:

Posted and deleted yes.. But I will refrain from naming names.

I'm sorry Adam, you don't know enough in this situation to make an accurate judgement.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

I think it's dickish to assume someone has bad intent from a simple question that comes from curiosity. It shows someone's character when they make assumptions about the intent of others and assume it to be negative.


It's a pet peve of mine and there are some people are here that are very good at it.


If I assumed that something you said had ill intentions unless it was crystal clear, how would that make you feel? It is the equivalent of me calling you a liar, cheat, and no good person without something to back it up.


It's a horrible thing, don't do it.

M.A.R.K. - At this point the highest donation has been $100, which I hope will grow as the site grows.  Once we are out of the red I have many community donation projects that I plan to implement.


Thank you to everyone who has generously donated their time and money so far. I'm looking forward to keeping the site going so we can continue to share information and become the best bike community in the country.


If anyone has additional comments or questions on donating, please email me.


From previous conversations, I understand that's it's maybe anathema to Leah/Julie's vision for the site, but for what it's worth, I've talked with a number of local businesses who have interest in advertising here.


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