Hispanically Speaking: Chicago Begins Construction on 100 Miles of Protected Bike Lanes



Mayor Emanuel and Commissioner Klein gathered on Kinzie Street in the downtown area to commemorate the construction of the first mile of protected bike lanes. The lanes will allow bikers to travel safely along roads without impeding motorists, pedestrians, or parking availability.


Um . . . is this how they were presented at the ribbon cutting?

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Every picture at every news site show this same scene of people standing in the sidewalk.  Where is the BIKE LANE?


Trying to find a picture online of what the lane looks like is almost impossible.

I wouldn't want to impede anyone. Maybe we should move the bike lanes into the sewers. Or would that impede the CHUDs?
No, Ash - it would impede the rats.

Ash L. said:
I wouldn't want to impede anyone. Maybe we should move the bike lanes into the sewers. Or would that impede the CHUDs?


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