Chicago Naked Ride Security Needs You! (CLOTHED ;-)!

So it's getting on that time of year again and let's see who we can muster for help! ;-) If you ride with Security you are clothed (I wear jeans and no shirt). But we also need volunteers for stay behind crew.


Expert Naked Ride peeps are always welcome! ;-)

The Rear Guard Needs You!

We are the peeps that hold the end of the ride together. Bring a positive attitude and a willingness to help out. We keep the police and nayr-do wells off the naked folks. Don't worry about conflict as we should have enough peeps to handle that and there are lawyers on the ride to protect the riders. The ride is Saturday June 11th 2011. ;-)

You can contact Andrew through here or me through here or at <--- those are zero's after the gec.

Thanks and talk soon,
gabe ;-)

(Can the Guys from last years crew check in on here when you see the thread? ;-)

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Bumped the group, bumping the thread! Holler for info. ;-)
OK - Last call for Security Peeps. ;-) The Ride is Saturday. Can't wait to see you! ;-)
How're you doing on commitments, Gabe?
We hover around 30 peeps. We shall see.

Speaking of the WNBR and it's security....


Who the hell was the guy on the ride that had the bicycle with an engine on it and did anyone try to kick him off the ride?  WTF was that guy doing on the ride?   Was it that guy that had the questionable bike shop on North Ave. and was always accused of stealing bikes?  It looked like him.

Damn.  I guess we need to start screening bikes at the check-in too.  Hopefully the guy got booted. 

notoriousDUG said:

Speaking of the WNBR and it's security....


Who the hell was the guy on the ride that had the bicycle with an engine on it and did anyone try to kick him off the ride?  WTF was that guy doing on the ride?   Was it that guy that had the questionable bike shop on North Ave. and was always accused of stealing bikes?  It looked like him.

I'm 90% sure he joined in later in the ride; he was not there at the start and I did not seem him in the group until much later in the ride.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Damn.  I guess we need to start screening bikes at the check-in too.  Hopefully the guy got booted. 

notoriousDUG said:

Speaking of the WNBR and it's security....


Who the hell was the guy on the ride that had the bicycle with an engine on it and did anyone try to kick him off the ride?  WTF was that guy doing on the ride?   Was it that guy that had the questionable bike shop on North Ave. and was always accused of stealing bikes?  It looked like him.

Hey Doug, take it over to the naked ride security group - I'm gonna close this thread and let it drop. ;-)


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