Gorgeous sunrise on LFP today.  So glad Spring is only a few days away!!!

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It was just starting to get comfortable and for the first time I actually wore a short sleeved shirt the last couple of days.  Yesterday I wished I had stuck with the long-sleeves.  I won't be tricked again.  The short-sleeves will stay put away until July!


July and early August are the only two months of the year that are warm enough for my tastes.  I'm still cold up until the low 90's.  I'd prefer it closer to 100 or better.   I'm sick of this arctic weather!

WET!  Reminded me a lot of the battles of Winter Biking.  Headwind/Driving Rain/Crosswind/Driving Rain/And On And On...

Oh yeah, got "puddled" a few times by passing cars/trucks. Fun!

Had to wring my socks and gloves out in trash can.  I'm sure I'll be riding home in somewhat wet attire...

My neighbor Susan and I rode together this morning in the pouring weather at 5 am to our office's Pit Stop (she works at Orbitz, I'm at Coldwell Banker).  Despite the wet cold weather we both agreed it was MUCH more fun having a companion.


And we had a blast cheering on the commuters who passed us and stopped by our commuter station this morning,

The start of my commute was rather soggy and wet- but by the time I got near Wells/Lincoln and at the pit stop, the rain had stopped. Had a nice chat with the pit stop people while warming up with the free coffee . I really enjoyed the cheering from the bike pit stop, as Lincoln was devoid of any commuters from California and Lincoln, all the way to Lincoln and Wells which I thought was weird. Or maybe they were the smart ones and decided to stay dry and I am weird. Oh well, I enjoyed the ride today.
I am sorry if I failed you all this morning by not riding in...

On the other hand, the Metra was warm and dry ;)

Julie Hochstadter said:

My neighbor Susan and I rode together this morning in the pouring weather at 5 am to our office's Pit Stop (she works at Orbitz, I'm at Coldwell Banker).  Despite the wet cold weather we both agreed it was MUCH more fun having a companion.


And we had a blast cheering on the commuters who passed us and stopped by our commuter station this morning,

So, anyone else thoroughly concerned about their bike attracting lightening? I know the wheels are rubber, but that doesn't offer any reassurance.
Never really thought about it iggi.

Had a great ride from Wicker to Lincolnshire and back for Father's day.

Unless you are holding the bike up above your head and waving it around it is no more likely to attract lightening than you would walking around on foot.    If one is concerned about lightening striking you the fact that you are on a bicycle does not increase or decrease your chances.  


Rubber tires are not going to make any difference in the world.  How do you think being insulated 1-2 inches from the ground is going to do anything when the electrical potential has already jumped thousands of feet through the thin air above you?  Do you think that 1" gap under you is going to make that much of a difference?


I=E/R  -it's just that simple...

I don't ride on the LFP during thunderstorms, because I feel like the tallest thing around. I probably don't need to worry since trees are close by. But in the streets I don't worry at all. If we lived out in the country there might be some concern, though I'm not sure if it's more concern than simply walking.


(Also it's not the rubber tires of a car, it's the metal. The lightning travels down the sides of the car to the ground, since the metal provides an easier conduit than the air. ).


I rode today and felt great. Last week I did not ride in the rain but took the L, and was packed in with wet, miserable people for a half hour. I realized I didn't want to do that again, being out in the rain is a lot better. Yes I was wet but not pressed up against someone, at least I could enjoy the cool air. I only saw 5 people, and most were much more friendly than normal, almost everyone said hi today. It was fun.

I thoroughly love riding in thunderstorms like this!  I really enjoyed seeing the lightning while riding today. Even with rain gear, I was pretty soaked, but I loved riding today and although sunny days are nice, I don't mind rainstorms when it is warm out. And I don't worry too much about lightning- I have a better chance getting hit by a car than struck by lightning.

Once again, the Metra was warm and dry this morning.


And unlike the 'L' or CTA bus, it is never crowded and people generally seem to be well behaved.


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