I have a feeling some of us on here have more bikes than we wish to admit. I'm up to 3 so far. Bianchi Road, Giant Mountain, and Trek Hybrid (which is currently abroad).


UPDATE (as of 6/8/11) - I'm up to 6 now... 2 aren't ride-able at the moment though.

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Bikes are like food,  its not polite to count how many you have.
A glimpse into the Bike Room.

I love bike rooms.


I wish I had taken a picture of the garage that a guy out in Brookfield was storing his collection in (he said he had to sell some in order to get his wife's car in the garage).  It was a 1 1/2 - 2 car garage, very neat and organized, and he had about 10-15 or more bicycles each for him, his wife, and his 2 kids. The garage itself looked like a bicycle museum or piece of artwork. Every inch of floor space and ceiling space had a bicycle in it. It was beautiful to behold :)

I only have 3, 4 if you include the one I bought my girlfriend. I had 1 3 years ago when I started bike commuting. I have my road commuting bike, my studded tire winter mtb (which was my only one), and a '64 Schwin 3 speed that is for picnics and tweed rides and when I want to go "weeee!" and feel like Mary Poppins.

I had 4 at one point but now I am down to two. The steam roller and the penny farthing. I'm thinking about getting another one for those modern conveniences like coasting, gears, brakes.
I should take a pic of my dad's garage in MI when I visit next.  50+ complete bikes (about 20 of which are hanging from the ceiling) and about 10 frames between the two of us, mostly vintage bmx stuff, but also classic cruisers, some old road bikes, and I think there's even a Schwinn Stingray in there.
ya dude, let's see a pic!

3 rideable, 1 not  (just needs a BB and it may go to iggi ;-)


miyata 112 converted to singlespeed (backup commuter / errand bike)

SE lager single speed (commuter)

raleigh road racing bike (weekends and racing)


julie - you know there is no such thing as 'too many' ! the optimal number is N+1 (N=the number of bikes you currently own). just like girlfriends - as long as you can afford them and ride them, there ain't no such thing as too many. he he he



I've got three - my Surly Long Haul Trucker, a Schwinn Sierra and the vintage Schwinn Varsity - aka evidence.


Two working, one waiting for insurance settlement.


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