Why should we respect drivers when all they do is yell out obscenities, honk, and run us off the road. Fu*k cars

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So unto others...


The fact that you even have to ask this is a sad statement.

HAHAHA!  nice answer

Sue Clark said:

Why be respectful? Physics. (F=MA

I do.


Venting about what jags drivers can be is one thing;questioning why to not be a jag yourself is another.


H3N3 said:

I think it's pretty clear that Christopher is a respectful "vehicular" cyclist who's venting about being victimized while trying to use the road.  I don't think this response was fair.

notoriousDUG said:

So unto others...


The fact that you even have to ask this is a sad statement.

And him being a jerk on the road to drivers helps us cyclists in what way?

H3N3 said:
I think it's pretty clear that Christopher is a respectful "vehicular" cyclist who's venting about being victimized while trying to use the road.  I don't think this response was fair.

notoriousDUG said:

So unto others...


The fact that you even have to ask this is a sad statement.

Most drivers aren't a*holes, just the ones that antagonize bikers are.  Don't disrespect the fair drivers, because they will only have more reason to act like an a*hole to another cyclist.


As a motorist, there have been lots of bikers that have annoyed me while driving.  I can imagine people that don't bike much would get into the mindset "all bikers suck because this one cut me off".  So be a good model to other cyclists and motorists.  


Truthfully leading by example is somewhat idealistic.  But what's the alternative?  Being pissed off and full of road rage?  Being disrespectful to every car that crosses my path? That's not good for my well being or the well being of any drivers.  

Considering the thousands -- tens of thousands! -- of car that have passed me during my commutes, a jerk or two or three yelling out the window seems like a pretty low percentage.


"Illegitimi non carborundum."


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