The Chainlink

I wanted to start a picture thread where we can post pictures of our garden and the progress throughout the season.


I would love to see what everyone is doing. For now, I have some seedling pictures. These are actually from a few weeks ago, and everything is bigger and I also started cukes, basil, nasties, and some other herbs and flowers. 


Tomatoes & peppers



Chard, kale, spinach, & lettuce



Thyme, romanesco (fractal broccoli !), and onions



...& my baby chicks, Enya, Ke$ha, and Tesla.

Views: 1359

Replies to This Discussion

Nice. I love the before and after. About how tall is your raised bed? And those are some really hot chicks!

Allison, that's really great!

How did the Gooseberries and Money Plant fare? I won't ask about the raspberries-- they're  indestructible.

It's a foot tall, and there's no barrier between the bed and the ground so it's deeep. Chicks should be movin' outside in the next few weeks! I'm so proud...they're like awkward teenagers now.

iggi said:
Nice. I love the before and after. About how tall is your raised bed? And those are some really hot chicks!
I'm pretty sure the gooseberries aren't going to make it...the leaves have mostly all shriveled up. Money plant has been doing great, but then all of a sudden it is bolting and has little purple flowers...are yours bolting yet? (And the raspberries are sooo happy.)

H3N3 said:

Allison, that's really great!

How did the Gooseberries and Money Plant fare? I won't ask about the raspberries-- they're  indestructible.

I can spare more gooseberries any time you like-- including a large mature bush.  There are little baby volunteers all over the place-- I'll try to start saving them in one planter.

Yeah, the Money Plant (Lunaria) I have left (maybe 4 large plants) is radiating purple all over the place.

Same chickens in both shots, from left to right: Ginger, Swan, Henrietta and Freckles.  First was taken last week of February at age of 1 week and second was taken a week ago.  They should reach maturity in July.

We acquired them as day old female chicks.  But we are starting to suspect Ginger is not quite as female as the others.
those are great, Todd!!

New camera and an Eye-Fi that uploads pics to my computer as soon as they're shot.


Here's where my seed starting is at:


Long view



Peppers, Eggplant, 3 types of Celosia further back

Cardinal Climbers, Coleus, Petunias


Impatiens, Foxglove, etc.









What kind of grow lights are you using? They kind of look like Lite Brites.


I took the afternoon off to catch up on yardwork.  Survived electric lawn mowing in light rain . . .


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