Hi All,


I just moved out of my apartment and managed to lose my U Lock Key!  I never registered it so I can't get a replacement sent from them.  It is currently locked in my old apartment building's bike room.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get it off or know of anyone that can?






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What kind of lock? (make/model)

Can we assume the lock is locked with a bike attached to it?

What's it locked to?

How long will you have access to the space?

People who could help would need to know.

Hi Kevin,


Thanks for the fast reply!  Yea, the lock is attached to the bike and then to a big bike rack.  I've had access to the space since I moved in last March.  I still have the key to the bike room so I can get in whenever.

Liz there is a way to do it. I can pick the lock possibly. You can try it depends on the lock. I'm not sure if I should post the method here but its pretty widely known as the bic pen method. look it up. If you need help I can probably try to get it off. I know how to do this because I worked at a bike shop for many years and we just picked the locks for fun. If its a new kryptonite lock the pen method won't work anymore. But if the lock is older it might be pickable. Let me know if you need help.

Also why I asked what type of lock Liz has.

Tung Luong said:

Liz there is a way to do it. I can pick the lock possibly. You can try it depends on the lock. 

Are there different types of U Locks?  Wow, I don't know much about bikes.  I'll go take a picture of the lock and how it is attached tonight. :)  Thanks for all your help!

I googled it and 3 youtube videos show you how to pick the round lock; scary.

Cameron Puetz said:

The main question is whether it has a flat key or a round key? Older U-locks used a round keyed lock mechanism that was very easy to pick. New locks have since switched to using a flat keyed lock mechanism to is harder to pick.

Liz Mills said:
Are there different types of U Locks?  Wow, I don't know much about bikes.  I'll go take a picture of the lock and how it is attached tonight. :)  Thanks for all your help!

Cameron Puetz said:
If you have a round U-lock you really should just get rid of it. It’s nothing more than a delay mechanism, and not a very good one at that. It doesn’t take long to defeat and defeating it won’t draw much attention to the thief.

ALL bike locks are nothing but delay mechanisms.

If the OP can't get the lock picked, she's about to see how easy it is to cut it off.
First, look for your key, and if that doesn't work rent an angle grinder from Home Depot and cut the lock off. You can use youtube and google to find out how to safely use power tools.

I didn't mean to start a whole thing about picking U-locks. But yeah they are pretty bad to have if they are the old style. Seriously not worth getting your bike stolen. I could literally pick a old U-lock about as fast as I could unlock it with a key when messing around at the shop. I remember one night one of my buddies got drunk and locked a u-lock around my head then ate the key. I then picked the lock and he pooped a key out haha.... So really anybody should dump old locks like that. 


The hammer thing is a little bit nuts, you risk damaging the frame. An angle grinder would be best if its not an old u-lock.

If it is Kryptocrap round-key they no longer honor the replacement program now that it is no longer on every news show in the country.  It's just an ugly paperweight.


If you need to borrow an angle grinder I've got one if you are near Logan Square I can come out and help cut your lock for you.  I've got 30 spare seconds -plus it's fun!

Impractical? Really? What are you expect liz to do with a hammer?

H3N3 said:

Renting an angle grinder would be a little impractical as you could walk into any hardware store and buy a (basic) corded one for about $20 (which would include starter discs). A few of us have cordless angle grinders too.

Depending on the type of lock, a few whacks with a hammer might be the easiest way to go.


Hi again everyone,


Thank you soooo much for all your suggestions!  So after a mad hunt for the key, still no luck.  Now time is ticking and I am moving on Saturday morning out of state so really need to get it out.  A couple of you offered to help, is anyone free on Thursday morning or afternoon or even possibly wed night?  I'd be more than happy to give ya $20 bucks or a case of beer or something.  :-)  The bike is near Clark and Diversey.


Let me know,





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