Gorgeous sunrise on LFP today.  So glad Spring is only a few days away!!!

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I concur.

Kevin Conway said:
Today's weather is/was among the most unpleasant for bike commuting this year.

Perhaps there will be a chance that the wind will keep blowing in the same direction and will give me a tailwind for the ride home.  Please?  Can we have a little silver lining?

I guess it isn't just me that believes the wind is out to get me, no matter what direction I ride...I will be looking for that tailwind with you, Jami.

jamimaria said:

Perhaps there will be a chance that the wind will keep blowing in the same direction and will give me a tailwind for the ride home.  Please?  Can we have a little silver lining?

Rode today in my workclothes with a ponjo, waterproof over-pants, and spats. I rode SLOW and stayed dry and cool.
Is it just my imagination or have there been an inordinate number of days this Spring with the wind coming out of the east at some angle?  I'm all for "cooler by the lake" in the summer, but I think this has been the biggest factor in this lousy Spring.  I still remember how nice it was last spring.  It felt like the first time "Spring" was Spring in years (Spring sounds odd when you keep repeating it :))

Kevin Conway said:
Today's weather is/was among the most unpleasant for bike commuting this year.
I was just thinking about that. We've had several weeks of winds mostly coming from the east, northeast and east north east (what a geek) in April. They seem to be a milder, but still cold version of the westerly winds we get sometimes in the winter, when temperature can drop very low.

When riding on days like today, I convince myself to be happy it's above 30. It kinda works. I can dig riding in the rain and wind as long as I got all my waterproof gear (geekdom galore).

Serge Lubomudrov said:
I only saw three runners and one biker on my way to work this morning. Is it because of that sucky weather? . . .
Sunshine, glorious sunshine!

Yes, Lovely Day.

April said:

Sunshine, glorious sunshine!
Is it my imagination or does it really feel like a spring day?

I pass a bike shop on my way to work each morning.  It has a sign "Spring is nearly here, get a tune up for your bike!"


I want to change the sign to "Spring is here, get on your bike!"

Lovin' that sunshine. I'm still unsure of how to dress appropriately. Yesterday, overheated. Today, kind too cold. I must be colder than most. I still have to wear a hat with ear flaps and a gaitor/gator. I saw a dude walking around in flip flops! 




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