Saw this show last night.  Reality about NYC bike messengers.  Pretty cool even though they make it look AMAZINGLY dangerous.

It was fun to watch.  Couple of those dudes won't make the rookie cut...



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Can't believe I missed this show. I even wrote it on my calendar. Hopefully they replay the show over the weekend or it's OnDemand.
I don't get the Travel Channel, so was hoping to find a torrent of it. Haven't found one yet. Maybe it'll show up on Hulu?
It was pretty interesting and I'll continue to watch. But what I'd really like to know is just how all these messengers in motion were filmed? Now there is some very skillful urban riding!

found this for ya: "It was quite a logistical challenge to chase the messengers through the streets of Manhattan," said Papera. "We wanted to bring a unique visual style to the show and capture the true experience of the messengers, but we didn't want to shoot their backs all day. One thing that worked was to have the riders themselves do some of the filming."

I wonder if the series was inspired by the Lucas Brunelle videos.  I love the rush of riding through traffic, but on the other hand these guys give all of us a bad rap with cagers and peds.

noticed that the first episode will be replayed today at 10 pm after the second episode which runs at 9 pm.

Got through episode 2 and looks like my tivo picked up a 3rd episode on Saturday.  Will check that one out tonight.  I like the way the riding segments are shot.

I saw the first episode- it was pretty interesting, although I still cringed at some of the riding maneuvers the one "veteran" messenger managed to pull off. Overall, I think I might keep watching it as it is the only realty tv show that I have found interesting so far.

I've seen that video before. I've been know to weave in rush hour loop traffic or ride the double yellow on Fullerton, Belmont, Diversey... but those guys woulda lost me after 3 blocks.

Mark said:

I wonder if the series was inspired by the Lucas Brunelle videos.  I love the rush of riding through traffic, but on the other hand these guys give all of us a bad rap with cagers and peds.

So apparently the Travel Channel has decided to pull the show after airing only two episodes. Go figure. Guess they needed the space for more food programming.

There was a 3rd episode my TiVo picked up on Saturday.  Something about riding in the rain.  I haven't watched it yet. The first two episodes were good on the street filming; I thought some of the office scenes were cheesy; esp. in the show where the dispatcher got written up.

Finch said:

So apparently the Travel Channel has decided to pull the show after airing only two episodes. Go figure. Guess they needed the space for more food programming.


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