The Phase Wants to Feed You Real Food.


We are offering the resources to make your life better.

Because you deserve better.


Send an email to to bring these resources into your home And greet your freedom at your doorstep at dawn.


Learn to feed yourself.

Learn to change the system.

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Still no reply to my e-mail...


Guess they don't want the word out all that bad...

Same here. Despite all the snark, I am seriously interested in this topic, and was hoping to gain some new insight. I guess I'll have to look somewhere else.

notoriousDUG said:

Still no reply to my e-mail...


Guess they don't want the word out all that bad...

I got an email back in 1 hour. Dam ...... how did that happen ? ARRRRR drink, ride, be happy.
DUG, one of these days I'm going to buy you a beer.

notoriousDUG said:

Jesus, how is it people manage to get on the internet with zero idea of how to conduct themselves...


1. You are advertising your own personal interest, not related to cycling, on a message board where, at that time, your only posts were to sell your stuff or promote yourself; that is spam. 


2. The only easily accessible link in your post is to a Tumbler site full of random gibberish with no cohesive purpose or theme; how in the hell did you think anyone would understand that your goal is to help educate people about what is really in a lot of the food they buy?  I can't speak for others but I am sure as hell not sending my e-mail out to get 'info' based on a disjointed nonsensical post with a link to a Tumbler with even more nonsense.  Posting gibberish and refusing to clarify unless asked politely is a terrible way to get your message out.


3. If you cannot deal with 'negativity,' criticism and people questioning what you have to say you really should not be using the internet.  When you post stuff in an open forum like this there is a very high chance you are going to have people disagree with you and question you, this chance goes up even more if your posting makes no sense.  No one was being 'negative' about your project because no one knew what it was; what you are calling negativity is actually people calling you out for having terrible communication skills and not expressing what you project is really about.  Had you posted your response to Ryan as your first post you would probably have had a much better reception. 


Your inability to make your point and express yourself is not our problem.  Maybe if you, rather then try to get people to e-mail you, you created a site that clearly expressed your purpose and presented the information you want to get out there you would get a better response.  The way all of this reads is less like you want to get info out there and more like you want to build a mailing list to spread the gibberish that is on your Tumbler.  You are right that The Chainlink would be a good place to find people interested in your cause but you would probably have much more success with that if you made your cause clear in your postings.  Even in your clarification you don't really tell us what your group actually does; we get that you want to change the common, and unhealthy, perception of food that we have but you don't say how you plan to do it nor do you share any real info with us to change our perception of food. it just me or are those really "round two its" ?
Ha, I thought it was two spread utcheeks.

shapeshifter said: it just me or are those really "round two its" ?

You've put out more usefull info than the Phase has.

I was half expecting vids of chem-trails and lizard people on the tumbler site.

Also they kind of remind me of the people who were protesting karl rove a few years ago at the chicago theatre. I had to pick up some AV equipment and a dude came up to me and asked what I was doing working for the "man". I said that people paid for this equipment and it actually cost the producers of the show and my company has no political agenda. (We did do a few of Obama speaches as well.) He then said that they need more people like me on the inside and got all fight club on me.

"His name is Robert Paulson." 

Duppie said:


Since Daniel appears to be more interested in redirecting questions to an email address rather than naming actual resources that can help us to make those changes, here are a few local resources that I am familiar with that working toward changing our food supply:

An organization that works with community partners to build healthy local food systems.

A google group of local chicken owners that is a very useful resource if you are interested in keeping chickens on your property.


I am not familiar with this one, but it looks promising:

John Edel, of Bubbly Dynamics fame is trying to build the first vertical farm in Chicago

Daniel Mirzakhani said:
Thank you for your questions Melanie. The Phase is offering alternatives to the grocery industrial complex, which will empower you to acquire food from natural, socially conscious sources. If you would like a detailed list of what resources we're offering, please send us an email at We promise to keep your information safe and not bombard you with unrelated material. However, I am not the same person who answers those emails, so I would recommend asking the same questions in your email. Thank you!

Melanie said:
Could you please explain what type of resources your organization offers?  I have visited the tumblr site and have read the different articles (I did like the one about "Bike Machines") but nothing I am reading really explains what "The Phase" is offering as far as resources go.  Your explanation above seems to convey that The Phase wants to alter the perception people have about food and healthy living, which is an admirable goal, but the references to "resources" seems to be lacking in description. I believe everyone would like to better their lives and live healthier, but could you please explain what resources The Phase offers, and how would joining this organization be of benefit? Thank you in advance.

I just got a reply from them.

It appears that what they are doing is indeed useful and worthwhile (if you are truly interested in issues with your food supply, that is). I know also understand why Daniel cannot to be more specific in this forum.


I'd say if you are concerned about your food supply, send them an email and listen to what they have to say. Then decide whether you want to continue "the conversation"


I still agree with the some of the responses though. I think if Daniel had responded in a different, less defensive way, he may have gotten a more positive response. And maybe toning down the overly literary/artsy/designy approach would aid in being taken more serious.


And no, I no longer believe that Daniel is related to Travis Kluska ;)

So can I start to eat food again?

Sadly, no.

Ed said:

So can I start to eat food again?

You people bring me the VERY BEST internet dramaz!


I got the e-mail, no pdf attached.


It was full of some info and a lot of over wordy rhetoric but I at least now have an idea of what they want to do!  I really think 'the collective' wants to do some good, they just need a little help on the PR side of things.


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