1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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24) You inwardly giggle when people complain about never being able to find a parking spot. Sometimes, outwardly giggle.

-when you have to feel (or look in the mirror) to see if you have a helmet on ('cuz when you ride long

on the weekend; even with the helmet off it still feels like it's on)


-when you cannot tell friends or family (car-owners) which way to go on certain streets (if they are one-way north or west, for example) 'cuz you never drive on them.


-when you feel safer riding the wrong way ('salmoning')  on a one-way street (and can provide a good argument)

16) when as autumn nears you realize you haven't managed to get the chainring tatoo of grease off your inner calf from early aprils first ride in shorts or the layers of fresh prints reapplied thru the summer.

24)   when your friends and family quit commemting on your ansi yellow clothing

you can't help but laugh when people comment about your helmet with horns

24) You have a bike in the kitchen and a sink full of water bottles along with all the chairs having something hanging on them after a ride. I catch hell for this.
- When you are considering buying a skirt/jeans/shorts and you ask yourself, "Yes, but can I bike in it?" Before you worry about price or fit or attractiveness.
When you get to work and you are either overdressed or underdressed for inside and wish you could open the windows and get fresh air.
The first year you do your taxes and realize how much money you have saved by getting rid of your car.Then you spend all that money on bike stuff.

When you check chainlink and bonktown every morning when you start your day.


You browse CL for bikes after buying a new one recently, incase there is a bike you just have to have.



When you feel somewhat conflicted about seeing more cyclists in the spring.

Its nice to see more riders but now there is more to look out for.

16) you're getting a semi-permanent bike helmet crease on forehead


When you're tanned all over except for your hands, which are really tanned in some parts and really not tanned in others. (Extra points if you have tanned circles the size of air vents on your head.)

When you're happy to have worn holes in your fancy wool socks, because now you have arm warmers.

When you have water bottles around that your kids know never, ever to drink out of because they permanently smell of some kind of foul energy drink powder.

When you frequently wear shoes that cost more than everything else you have on put together.

When you keep a spare supply of orange traffic cones in your basement so you can mark off really big potholes in your neighborhood.


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