Why on Earth Would You Pay Attention to Rebecca Black?

So Rebecca Black has 2 threads in the main forum and 1 in Kiddical Mass as I post this. And really i can only ask why over and over?

Is the Chainlink mainly made up of 13yr old girls? Is everyone on Chainlink hearing impaired? Does everyone here really love putrid music?

And how is it being debated that it sends a pro-car message? As much as we rail against cars all it shows is kids sitting in a car. That does happen in reality.

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i'm argueing that these idiots blew 2k on this garbage and you must be pretty well off to do so and not blink. and i would stand by the argument that the wealthy have connections that the poor dont which is why this video was noticed by anyone. but in your need much like others apparently you are looking for a deeper meaning to it all. must be class wars! thank god for our crappy economy. blah blah blah. this song is drivel!!! can u even call it a song? she's auto tune talking. and a 13 yr old is not worth 2k worth of crap if u have any sense in your head.
ed, i just threw up all over myself! :-)
admit it Gabe....you're a fan too!  
your pic is freakin me out! :-)

2k isn't a huge chunk of money.  I feel sorry for you if you really believe that.


It's really cheap to produce something like this these days and like it or not it has better production values than many professionaly-made music videos of a few decades back.   If RB's parents felt it was a nice gift for their kid and something she could have a fun time making over a weekend for her and her friends then what is the big deal?  WHAT is the big deal with you about how OTHER people spend their money?  Is it evil for people to have $2,000 to spend on what they want to spend it on???


It's a class-warfare mentality and no better than people who are against others having fun and doing whatever they want with their own money/resources.


As for the assertions that her parents use their "rich white people" connections to get this video to become "popular" that is utter rediculous.  I'm sure that was the furthest thing from their mind when they made this video.  The video is not popular in any conventional measure other than being a huge laughing stock on the internet.  Very few people actually "like" the video and are only viewing it to laugh at and share with their friends so they can laugh at it too. 


It's a kiddie-project and nothing more.  Perhaps a kiddie project that "wasted" more money than you think is prudent but then again, not everyone is poor.  Some people have done well for themselves by exploiting their talents and skills.   What evil people they are for being successful!  Throw rotten eggs at the evil bourgeois capitalists!   Workers unite!  Arbeit Macht Frei!

You know, when you're proving Godwin's Law in a Rebecca Black thread, it's probably time to think about whether your tired Randroid schtick might need to be retired or at least retooled.

Godwin doesn't need to be proven any more than gravity.  It just is. Why bother to even point it out?


Do you feel the need to point out gravity every time someone fails to fly off the ground and away into space?

Doom gets's the comment of the year award! :-) i'm gonna laugh all damn day!

2k spent on a 13yr old girl is a big deal. do they have the right. absolutely. is it a good idea? no. it's not braces. it's not surgery. it's a crappy music video. and to compare it to the production value of vids in the 90's? that tech was the best they had. we have better now. thanks for throwing "white" in after rich. you people of all races can be rich right? :-)

anyway your drivel is tiresome. the main point is why r we paying any attention or assigning value (the car culture threads) and u r helping give it attention. :-)

i think these discussions say more about us than they do about RB, her parents, or the drivel they spend their money on.


what that something is, im still trying to figure out.  is our overemphasis on celebrity? is it our enjoyment of watching others suffer?


obviously, there is nothing remotely of interest or value in this song/video other than our reaction.

So what is your POINT?


All I see is you bitching about someone spending money on something you don't approve of and assert that it wasteful.  What should be done about it?  Take it away from them, make it illegal to spend money on wasteful things you don't approve of?  Give it to the poor?  


I've read this book before, sorry to beat the godwin stick again. 


If you have more to say than that maybe you should just spit it out.  I'm waiting...



Hehehehehe yep -i'm the one bitching. :-) the subject of this whole post is the question and iggi has come closest to addressing it. why r we paying attention to Garbage?

I was pointing out that there were multiple threads addressing this Garbage and could not for the life of me understand why. it has no value but what we assign it. it's not pro-car. they r in a car. and everything that has a car in it is not against bikes.

everything else in the thread is junk and funny cept for your angry rants that i wanna eat the rich. where's my bbq sauce? :-)
can someone open another thread now that john has closed his. we really need to address this more in depth! :-)


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