Is there anyone with vintage racers and/or ten-speeds who might be willing to let me photograph your bike?

I posted this on Craigslist, but I got few responses.  I thought I'd give it a shot on here too.


I'm working on a history project about bicycles. I need photos of English Racers from the 50's/60's and ten-speeds from the 60s/70s. If you have one that has mostly original parts (the condition isn't too important) and you'd be willing to let me check it out and take a few photos, please email me.


I'd prefer if you live on the northside. But even if you live further let me know, it might still work out.  It would only take about 10 - 15 minutes.  


If you are interested, let me know where you live and what your bike is. Thanks!


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You should contact Working Bikes at 2434 S Western 773-847-5440 has a good collection of vintage bikes. I heard the guy who owns Cycle Smithy bike store 2468 has a good collection of vintage bikes.
I have several 80's bikes, look in my profile pics and let me know
Cycle Smithy bike store is at 2468 N Clark - forgot the Clark st.
Thanks for the responses.  I've checked out Oscar Watsyn Cycles and South Shore Cyclery in Wisconsin but I haven't heard of Cycle Smithy.  I'll stop by there.  Thanks!

I have an early 1960's Jaubert that started life as a track bike and became a 10 spd in 1971.  Rebuilt and repainted in 2008, but mechanically still as was in 1971.



I have a Graftek from the end of the era you're documenting.  It's a very pretty bike: carbon fiber tubes epoxied into polished SS lugs.  All the componentry is original to it's build back in '79. 


  We own a Schwinn Duo Sport tandem, 10 speed road bike that is very close to all original parts, even the handle bar tape and toe clips.  I believe it is late 70s or early 80s.   Not exactly what you requested but it is original equipment.  




..and if you ever want to sell your Paramounts, let me know, please :)

Michael Brosilow said:

Hit me up I have Raleighs from the 50's to the 70's as well as a couple of Schwinn Paramounts


Thanks Elwood. I have enough photos for now, but I'll keep you in the mind for the future.  


Chixie I can attest to the sweetness of that Paramount.  It is badass.  I wish I had the money for it.

Thanks again for all the photos Michael.

We have one too! check my profile pics.  Kinda weird bike, but we've had a lot of fun on ours.

Elwood Gruschow said:


  We own a Schwinn Duo Sport tandem, 10 speed road bike that is very close to all original parts, even the handle bar tape and toe clips.  I believe it is late 70s or early 80s.   Not exactly what you requested but it is original equipment.  





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