"Why drivers hate cyclists" article, Chicago Magazine

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As an alternate solution, I propose that all new motor vehicles be equipped with horns featuring a pay-per-honk subscription service.

Very interesting article and the idea of a backlash has been on my mind for a couple of days now. 

While on my commute this morning (I took Clark from Lakeview to downtown) I was sitting at the intersection at Clark/LaSalle waiting for the green light.  A man in an SUV rolls down his window and says "You know there is a bike path on Wells".  The light turned green before I had a chance to respond but I was dunbfounded.  Was that his way of telling me I didn't have a right to be on Clark?  No, Clark does not have a marked bike lane in that area but the roads are wide and I feel it's fairly safe for cyclists.  And to that point I'm not sure that Wells has marked bike lanes either. 

I really don't think he was trying to be a jerk.  Maybe he was just concerned for my safety? 

I always thought the "cattle prod" concept would work great for a car horn.  Push the horn and get a whallop of a shock from wires woven into the seat.   Not enough to injure the diver or cause any possibility to pass out and loose control of course -but to use the horn you are going to have to PAY for that privilege dearly.


It's still there for an emergency but ONLY for emergencies unless you are into BDSM!


At least implement this idea with commercial vehicles like taxis & buses who are the worst offenders IMHO.



What will be done to quell the rise in drivers shouting out of open windows?

Michael Perz said:

As an alternate solution, I propose that all new motor vehicles be equipped with horns featuring a pay-per-honk subscription service.

This video is rather extreme as it seems that no one is bothering to watch anything around them- cars, pedestrians and cyclist alike. Very frightening.

James Baum said:

Drivers are upset and annoyed that they actually have to pay attention to something different rather than zoning out in their comfort zone.  We are "in their way" and they have to actually wake up and drive and they realize that it is dangerous when they are in their zombie driver mode.  But instead of looking inwardly at themselves and their own lack of skills and attention span they blame the bike for making their job more difficult on the road.


Watch this crazy video from a university in China and how many accidents happen.  Notice that many of the bicyclists are totally unaware or turn their heads before they are hit.  When I'm on a bicycle (or motorcycle for that matter) I've got my head on a swivel.  My situational awareness is nearly 360-degrees around me and any car with a vector that can come even close to me is tracked and I assume that it could hit me and think what I'll do before they do so as to deny them the opportunity.



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