now that the weather is shaping up for the better, i'm really looking forward to the possibility of riding down to the lakefront area with my doggie pal.  she loves riding in cars and wagons, and i'm hoping she'll enjoy bike rides as well.  can anyone recommend dog-carrier options for a small(ish) but chunky 30-35lb pooch?


i'd like to avoid using a dog trailer, partly because of cost and safety, but also because i simply have no room for it in my home. something smaller would be preferable.  i seem to recall seeing a cyclist last summer carrying a dog along in a sort of reverse-backpack(?). anyone know what those things are called? are they any good?


thanks in advance.

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Check out Emmanual Bianchi's pet site, PetEgo (he also is spearheading the Chicago Velo Campus), as well as the Chainlink Barkers group.



35 lbs is really heavy to carry on your back while riding. a trailer sounds like your best option,but if the dog is small enough maybe a front or rear basket would do the trick.  



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