I don't think of it as a redirect. Say I'm having a party and everyone on Chainlink is welcome cause i live somewhere that can hold 5k people. I would tweet @thechainlinkorg and they could retweet to the universe. It's easier for me to follow 1 than 5k.
Or if you do Critical Mass, you can tweet where you are and if I'm following you i'll know where the mass is.
Twitter is excellent in regards to organizing masses of people as was demonstrated in the Middle East. ;-)
Definitely not trying to redirect anybody. Love Chainlink and do not in any way think it's unsatisfactory or incomplete. Twitter is something completely different. Just thought it seemed weird with 4,900 members there were only 17 followers (tho up to 43 now!).
chixieonfixie said:
Ive noted several posts lately urging chainlinkers to redirect to twitter and facebook. I guess Im just curious what is unsatisfactory or incomplete about chainlink?
172 members
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1 member
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1 member