Kind of an odd ratio there.

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18, @activetrans is now following!


Ethan, with Active Trans

I don't tweet.
Why?  I don't even read the forum threads unless there's liquor and bacon involved.
20, @WORKINGBIKESORG is now a loyal follower!

22, @Balloonbiker is following as well!

I can not use anything with TWIT in the name. I just feel like it is calling me a name!
Some thoughts are more complex than 140 characters.

Twitter is for people who think they are way more important than they are. Humans are waaaaaaay to connected to each other and our attention span shortens by the second. We talk more but actually say less. I can call someone and get things straight in minutes Vs 25+ emails back and forth over a much longer span of time to reach the same point of understanding. Oh &^$^#%$, I'm rambling on the internets again.   


What ever happened to hanging out in the real world?


I'm going to a bar now where someone can punch me in the nuts and knock some sense into me.

Allow me to append "in meaningless ways" to your "Humans are waaaaaaay to connected to each other".

Ryan L said:

Twitter is for people who think they are way more important than they are. Humans are waaaaaaay to connected to each other and our attention span shortens by the second. We talk more but actually say less. I can call someone and get things straight in minutes Vs 25+ emails back and forth over a much longer span of time to reach the same point of understanding. Oh &^$^#%$, I'm rambling on the internets again.   


What ever happened to hanging out in the real world?


I'm going to a bar now where someone can punch me in the nuts and knock some sense into me.

Because Twitter is for twats.
...and Egyptian revolutionaries.

notoriousDUG said:
Because Twitter is for twats.

When I feel the need to join the group rising up against the dictators of 'merica I'll get right on joining Twitter, if Facebook doesn't work...


Twitter is for people who think the world cares about everything they think or do and are in compulsive need to attention.


Kevin Conway said:

...and Egyptian revolutionaries.

notoriousDUG said:
Because Twitter is for twats.


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