Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Thanks again, Amy Y. It was good to be out there again today and yeah--It appears I have at least one
"off day" per week at this point during the winter. Sometimes, two!

Amy Y said:

Hi Holly

You are definitely not the only person who has the off days! Today the ride back was pretty rough because I was going against the wind, but I didn't feel that I was suffering (well, I was because my fingers was getting frostbitten...but I'll try to bring extra thick mittens next time).


It all has to do with mindset. This is my first time back to bike commute this season. Earlier I just didn't want to do it. But the last few months of dealing with the CTA  - bus stopping at EVERY.SINGLE.BLOCK. - or hitting the brakes on the entire LSD from downtown to Belmont definitely helped to get me back in the saddle and happy about it even with the wind and the cold. 

Maybe you'll just going through the Chicago winter blues. Summer looks so close - yet so far. Do what feels right. When time comes, you'll be whistling on your bike to work :-)


Holly said:

Liz--thanks for that link and info. I'm usually one to get home and jump into a hot bath when I am freezing cold. *oops!*

Howard--just fabulous---yay for you!

Amy Y-- I know. I'm bicycling more than I ever have (particularly in the winter when I used to never bike anywhere.)  I feel okay about skipping it now and then, but I sometimes wonder what's the difference between being a big wuss and being someone who listens to her body? There are times when I can tell, and today, I knew I was not just being wussy. 


I will say, I had a hangovery feeling this morning which is the result of... having a slight hangover. That didn't help matters. And, remember--I am SO outside most of the day. Being outside is great. Most of the time I love it, but usually by this stage of winter, I wish I worked in a cubicle. Or Hawaii.


If it's any consolation--driving while listening to the radio was hardly worth it. It's pledge drive week! How did I forget that?


Happy riding, people. Spring is coming! The days feel quite a bit longer now, don't they?

enough said about the wind today\


AM >


PM >


But I did see more bike traffic on the path today then the last 7 or 8 days combined

You could lower the thermostat @ home more then a few degrees....

Michael A said:

enough said about the wind today\


AM >


PM >


But I did see more bike traffic on the path today then the last 7 or 8 days combined

I've seen some REALLY shiny bikes with the oh so courteous "on your left" And I'm like where've you been since November?

Michael A said:

enough said about the wind today\


AM >


PM >


But I did see more bike traffic on the path today then the last 7 or 8 days combined

I rode yesterday and took today off.  The bus was a packed sardine can.   Hey, have you ever wondered how many of us pass eachother every day on the LFP and don't even know it?

I rode. Took the gloves off halfway through the ride. Springter yo.


And I do wonder about all the bikers I pass. Who are you people!! ;)

I should have stopped and taken my sweater off under my jacket.  I had such good stoplight timing though, and didn't think it was worth it.  My base shirt was soaked in sweat and so I'm wearing a hoodie while my shirt dries. 


I also followed a random dude turning off Milwaukee before Grand, didnt mean to be stalkerish just curious if he had found a better route than I had.  Turned out well and he was ultimately goign a different direction so I found my own way.  It was nice to explore a little and find streets I didn't know about.

Is that what you get when Bruce Springsteen and Splinter have a kid?

Zach Straw said:

I rode. Took the gloves off halfway through the ride. Springter yo.


And I do wonder about all the bikers I pass. Who are you people!! ;)

I rode today as well. Due to the forecast of rain, I wore my extremely thin raincoat over my regular jacket- big mistake, as I was drenched in sweat by the time I got to work. I would have been better off just going without the raincoat and taking my chances with the tiny little raindrops.  I ended up unzipping the raincoat and my under-jacket as well. Otherwise, the ride went very well and although it is gloomy, it is at least a lot warmer.

I broke away from my usual trend of $20 windbreakers and bought a $100 waterproof windbreaker last fall  to use as an outer shell vs. sole jacket depending on weather. This morning I put the hood up and put my helmet on top of it. 

Any raincoat or rain shell or rain poncho I've tried has been completely intolerable due to trapping heat and moisture.

Melanie said:

I rode today as well. Due to the forecast of rain, I wore my extremely thin raincoat over my regular jacket- big mistake, as I was drenched in sweat by the time I got to work. I would have been better off just going without the raincoat and taking my chances with the tiny little raindrops.  I ended up unzipping the raincoat and my under-jacket as well. Otherwise, the ride went very well and although it is gloomy, it is at least a lot warmer.

Springter! It's Winter > Spring (of course in Chicago it goes Winter > Spring > Winter > Summer day! > Winter > Spring)

Maybe "Winting" is better?

Davo said:

Is that what you get when Bruce Springsteen and Splinter have a kid?

Zach Straw said:

I rode. Took the gloves off halfway through the ride. Springter yo.


Yea I got that but I liked my imagery better


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