Why is there so much positivity in this space? Am I just totally out of touch with reality, or are the people that occupy this site just totally awesome? Is this the norm? It seems like anyone can get involved, or ask a question without a gang of trolls jumping in and hijacking a thread or someone being negative. The outpouring of positive support that people receive on the Chainlink always warms heart and reminds me I am not alone. There is always someone who will lend a hand or help out and that is a reflection of the people that use this fantastic place. Whatever level bicycle rider you are, the Chainlink will have friendly place for you to find. How lucky are we that this place even exists? I would say very lucky. Just last night I met some fellow Clinker's and we all reminisced at how wonderful it was that we met each other. We wouldn't have if it weren't for this great place. I guess at the end of the day for me, the amount of kindness and community that I see displayed here consistently is what keeps me coming back.
I wish I could say I was partially responsible for the creation of this site. However I was not. You should thank Leah for that. Don't forget to thank Julie for all of her hard work keeping this place going. Alas the love that is the Chainlink is sadly not free. Please kick down some of your hard earned dollars when you can to insure this beautiful place continues to grow and thrive: http://www.thechainlink.org/page/support-the-chainlink
I feel like our community here is great. That is reflected in all of the people, rides, classes and establishments that utilize this fantastic resource for Chicago area bicycle riders everyday.
Thank you Chainlink!
Much love and kitten mittens,
Riiiiight . . . this coming from the guy who posts inflammatory topics like this one.
Hey! What the heck is going on here?
kitten mittens?
Are they made of kittens? or are they for kittens?
kitten mittens?
Are they made of kittens? or are they for kittens?
This post is a waste of space.
You opinion is invalid because you are ugly and smell bad.
I disagree with everything you say and will never be swayed by anything you do or say.
This post is a waste of space.
You opinion is invalid because you are ugly and smell bad.
I disagree with everything you say and will never be swayed by anything you do or say.
This post is a waste of space.
You opinion is invalid because you are ugly and smell bad.
I disagree with everything you say and will never be swayed by anything you do or say.
Kevin? Of all people I thought you knew what goes on here?
Kevin Conway said:Hey! What the heck is going on here?
What do you not like my dancing skills? I swear I have been practicing since then.
J M said:Kevin? Of all people I thought you knew what goes on here?
Kevin Conway said:Hey! What the heck is going on here?
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