Hey there fellow chainlinkers!
I have been looking for a new bike for a while now on craigslist. Some of the deals seem a little too good to be true and I do not want to buy a stolen bike. My options are slighty smaller because I am slightly smaller. What or where is the best way to buy a bike in the city? Also, and this adds another limitation, I do not want an old schwinn.

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I have a 1974 Raleigh Sports that I am looking to sell. It is a 50 cm frame, which is sized for a slightly smaller rider. All original, completely cleaned, greased and trued by me personally, and I have extensive photographic documentation of my restoration of the bike. The bike came out of deep storage, and I checked the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry before I acquired it. Price is negotiable for Chainlinkers. Here is a picture of the restored bike.


You might want to try Working bikes co-op at 2434  S. Western ave. (Workingbikes.org) they are only open on Wed. from 12-7 and on Sat. from 10-5.They got a lot of bikes right now.The bike swap is also on the 26th at Pulaski field house.
if ya find something on craigslist you like, just ask a lot of questions. the answers are generally a good indicator of who you are dealing with

I ended up scoring a sweet deal on craigslist for a newish road bike.  Although it was one of those deals that seemed to good to be true, the guy had the original sales receipt for the bike and the owner's manual.  I also pretty instantly knew when I showed up to the guy's house that he was just someone who got sick of the thing taking up room in the garage and wanted to get rid of it.   


So, I guess my point is you could ask the seller if they have documentation for the bike or just try to trust your gut feeling of how the situation looks when you show up to buy/look at it.  The smell test works pretty well in my opinion (meaning if the guy seems shaddy, the deal's probably shaddy).  If you want the original receipt and the seller asks why, just say you are after it so you can establish proof of ownership in case the bike is ever stolen.  They probably won't have it, but no harm in asking. 


Otherwise, I think you're stuck focusing on reputable shops in the city that sell used bikes--like working bikes, ciclo urbano, the recyclery, etc.     

Depending on the type of bike you're looking for, ebay may be another option.  Asking for some proof of ownership, if possible may or may not help.  I know I lost the reciepts to my bikes (d'oh).  Checking the chicago stolen bike registry or this other bike registry could also help give you some piece of mind for CL bikes.  


Good deals can also be had on bike shops who still have 2010 or 2009 bikes in stock and are trying to make room for 2011 bikes.  Sometimes the middle sizes sell out, but they may have 1-2 small/large size bikes that haven't gone. 

Damn. I was just about to try to sell you my early '80s 48cm Schwinn.

Is that the bike that was in McHenry last week?


I'd +1 this as a GREAT commuter bike.  The Raleigh Sports are INDESTRUCTIBLE and would be an absolutely great commuter bike in Chicago.


I'd recommend a 22T rear cog on that bike though. 

Moc Artsy said:

I have a 1974 Raleigh Sports that I am looking to sell. It is a 50 cm frame, which is sized for a slightly smaller rider. All original, completely cleaned, greased and trued by me personally, and I have extensive photographic documentation of my restoration of the bike. The bike came out of deep storage, and I checked the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry before I acquired it. Price is negotiable for Chainlinkers. Here is a picture of the restored bike.


Wasn't in McHenry. She's been in my storage room since summer.

Regardless, it's a great bike.  Good to ride as is, put a  B67 on it and it'd be super-duper sweet.


The only thing that bike needs to be a daily rider is a set of LED lights front/back and maybe a back rack/baskets and/or front basket.


Moc Artsy said:

Wasn't in McHenry. She's been in my storage room since summer.

I could be persuaded to include a lovely Nantucket basket.



So though the bike up top looks awesome, I think I am looking for a frame that is a little newer. I looked up the link for the basket and it is pretty freaking awesome! Thanks for the offer!!
I have never had a problem on Craigslist, although I have heard of a lot who have had problems. I purchased a few nice bikes from some very nice people- They weren't shady people, they were very honest and open, and  just had bikes hanging in the garage that they hadn't used in a while and were willing to sell them for a decent price because they wanted more room for their SUV.  If the person on the phone or in the email seems shady or like he/she isn't on the up and up, it is pretty easy to tell. If you do go to see a bike from someone on Craigslist, I would bring a friend along for your own safety. Not all bikes sold on Craigslist are stolen and usually you can feel out the shady dealers from the general populace that is just trying to clean out their garage of stuff.


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