Hey there fellow chainlinkers!
I have been looking for a new bike for a while now on craigslist. Some of the deals seem a little too good to be true and I do not want to buy a stolen bike. My options are slighty smaller because I am slightly smaller. What or where is the best way to buy a bike in the city? Also, and this adds another limitation, I do not want an old schwinn.

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Good luck. You'll get lots of good advice from Chainlinkers. You should look around and then ask for opinions on the options you're considering.

I understand wanting something "newer" but about the only thing you'll get with a "newer" frame over this is a higher, more-uncomfortable bottom bracket, a stiff/wooden unyielding ride, and about 2-5 pounds of weight saved -none if you are wanting that "dutch bike" feel.  These old ralieghs are better than anything you could buy today for under $1200 as they just can't afford to make them like they used to back in the day and still be competitive.


If you want a drop-bar road bike then this probably isn't what you are looking for anyhow.  But anybody looking for "comfort bike" an old Raleigh will out-live/out-ride/out-comfort anything you can buy used or new up to that price point I mentioned before.  3 speeds are plenty enough in a flat town like Chicago although I'd recommend putting a bigger 20 or 22-tooth rear cog on it to get it geared down to reasonable/usable gears and maybe thinking of replacing the wheels with alloy in the future if you do a lot of rain riding (better wet braking). 


Not only that, but riding genuine Nottingham steel is cool -never forget the style factor ;)


Molly Moon said:

So though the bike up top looks awesome, I think I am looking for a frame that is a little newer. I looked up the link for the basket and it is pretty freaking awesome! Thanks for the offer!!


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