Hey...I just posted on the bike winter blog if you're interested. Sorry there aren't more photos. My hands can't handle the cold and I don't want to replace my camera (again) if I drop it.



Do you have a Thunder Snow story to tell? Got any photos? DO email me. You can contact me through my website email link in the menu bar at lucitebox.com.

Just let me know you're interested in contributing to the blog and I'll respond with my personal email addy. I will set up a blog post documenting your experience.



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Great writeup.  I'm stealing the word "blizzarding" whether you like it or not. :)
Tank-Ridin' Ryan--steal away! I like coining words. It's something I learned from my mother who, in trying moments, claims she's very "flustrated!" She also describes huge crowds of people as being "out in drodes" which makes me nuts because if I correct her ("it's droves, mom") she gets mad and gives me the silent treatment.
Awesome blog Holly! I may be crzy too, but it looked like fun!

Nice video, Adriana. What expressive signing.


Mark--thanks! It was really fun and probably crazy, too.


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