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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I was already at the train and was like v0v welp. I took the blue line north to O'Hare, got a seat and made it to Clark & Lake after two hours riding. I only took the train after my wife said the roads were bad, but she left at 6am. Should have rode.

Easy/pleasant one today. Much frozen slush the whole way, very little slippage.

Not passed by a single car the whole trip. When I hit California a driver let me go and stayed behind me until I turned off (pretty decent presence of mind for someone on a cell phone, thanks.)

Surprised to see that 21st street hasn't had a plow yet. Starting to notice clearly drawn lines in snow clearance by ward boundaries (my commute starts in the 12th, passes into the 28th, and ends in the 12th again.) Suspecting there's some favoritism based on machine politics and the upcoming election. 

Side streets in the 1st Ward aren't plowed either. Sounds like a clear case of election-driven city-wide preferential treatment.

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Interesting . . . Sidestreets in the East Lake View are still not cleared. Politics, too?

H3N3 said:

Surprised to see that 21st street hasn't had a plow yet. Starting to notice clearly drawn lines in snow clearance by ward boundaries (my commute starts in the 12th, passes into the 28th, and ends in the 12th again.) Suspecting there's some favoritism based on machine politics and the upcoming election.

I'm shooting for Monday. Can't wait.

got the CTA blues.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Oh . . . Yes, I did ride today, after a three-day break! Woo-hoo!
Can you see a difference between one ward and another?

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Interesting . . . Sidestreets in the East Lake View are still not cleared. Politics, too?

H3N3 said:

Surprised to see that 21st street hasn't had a plow yet. Starting to notice clearly drawn lines in snow clearance by ward boundaries (my commute starts in the 12th, passes into the 28th, and ends in the 12th again.) Suspecting there's some favoritism based on machine politics and the upcoming election.

You're right. Preferential provision or withholding of city services for political reasons can't happen in Chicago.

Kevin Conway said:
Side streets in the 1st Ward aren't plowed either. Sounds like a clear case of election-driven city-wide preferential treatment.

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Interesting . . . Sidestreets in the East Lake View are still not cleared. Politics, too?

H3N3 said:

Surprised to see that 21st street hasn't had a plow yet. Starting to notice clearly drawn lines in snow clearance by ward boundaries (my commute starts in the 12th, passes into the 28th, and ends in the 12th again.) Suspecting there's some favoritism based on machine politics and the upcoming election.

I'm shocked--I rode everyday but Wednesday. The week before that 7 days in a row. During the winter, I usually don't go places on my bike on the weekend so I hope to ride to a dinner party this weekend. If it's crazy cold, I won't do it.

After being outside as much as I've been (walking dogs is really taxing in this mess) I need to relax. I am actually kind of sore and I think it's from all the cyclocross training mother nature provided us with this week. As you might imagine, most of my clients live on side streets, and well, somebody's gotta portage her rig to get there!

That's pretty awesome! Sounds to me like you are officially hooked ;)


I only rode 2 days this week, but will commute to my volunteering tomorrow. The fewest riding days in well over a year.

Holly said:

I'm shocked--I rode everyday but Wednesday. The week before that 7 days in a row. During the winter, I usually don't go places on my bike on the weekend so I hope to ride to a dinner party this weekend. If it's crazy cold, I won't do it.

After being outside as much as I've been (walking dogs is really taxing in this mess) I need to relax. I am actually kind of sore and I think it's from all the cyclocross training mother nature provided us with this week. As you might imagine, most of my clients live on side streets, and well, somebody's gotta portage her rig to get there!

Thanks, Duppie! I am hooked. I was just thinking today how strange it was that all this time I've been driving my car in the winter and didn't even think of my bike as the ultimate transportation mode! I never used to ride in any inclement weather except extreme heat.


My bike store guy recently reminded me--"Aren't you glad you didn't sell that mountain bike last year like you'd planned?" Uh. Yeah. I have a strong feeling that without Chet, I'd have had a much less comfortable transition to winter biking. 


Duppie said:

That's pretty awesome! Sounds to me like you are officially hooked ;)


I only rode 2 days this week, but will commute to my volunteering tomorrow. The fewest riding days in well over a year.

Holly said:

I'm shocked--I rode everyday but Wednesday. The week before that 7 days in a row. During the winter, I usually don't go places on my bike on the weekend so I hope to ride to a dinner party this weekend. If it's crazy cold, I won't do it.

After being outside as much as I've been (walking dogs is really taxing in this mess) I need to relax. I am actually kind of sore and I think it's from all the cyclocross training mother nature provided us with this week. As you might imagine, most of my clients live on side streets, and well, somebody's gotta portage her rig to get there!

How is everyone finding the main arteries regarding lane width and sharing with cars?

I plan to resume my bike commute tomorrow.

This morning Halsted/Lincoln/Wells were in pretty good shape.  I would say able to take bike lane 50% of ride, if not more.  Only rough spot was Wells bridge past Merchandise Mart with some of yesterday's snow still on it.  Made it a little slippery so I moved over to the grating and was fine.


I was a little surprised at how much slop there was this morning.  It looked like the bus/bike lane on Clark hadn't even been plowed.  Still, not too bad.  Enjoying the more moderate temperatures before the big freeze this week.  Did 35 miles on Saturday.  Elston was good, but extremely salty.  Used the warming station at Caldwell Woods sledding hill to dry off after sweating so much on Saturday.  Stood by the fire for 1/2 hour while my coat and gloves dried


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