Some of you might have heard a little news about this or have seen a post on Hipster Nascar about it, but I'd like to give you some more information.
In 2013 we will be opening a world class velodrome and sport center in Chicago. With the goal of being the main training grounds for Olympic hopefuls, pro teams and local athletes of all levels. In order to accomplish this, we will have a facility that has a state-of-the-art indoor 250m velodrome track, BMX race track, mountain bike tracks, and a dedicated cyclocross track. Additionally the Campus will have in it a triathlon training center, wind tunnel facility, an Olympic-size swimming pool, running track, and a full fitness center to help train Chicago athletes year round.  No other track in the U.S. offers this type of complete facilities. 

There was a lot of talk that when the Olympic bid failed the hopes of a indoor Chicago velodrome also went to the wayside. Luckily that was not true. People have been working on this for the past few years now and next week we will have our first site visit to confirm a location for CVC. This will hopefully be confirmed by Thanksgiving. 
So what can you do to help? It's easy, friend us on Facebook so that you can get updates on the progress of the Velo Campus and check out our site. There is a lot of different programs that will be planned at CVC from Elite all the way to youth and school events and the people involved range from local cyclists to former Olympians and major Chicago companies. An indoor velodrome in Chicago is no longer a question of if we will have one, but when. 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

Lastly, if you want to see what it will look like, on the Facebook page you can see some of the drafts for the Campus. 

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Seems like we may see another velodrome option in Chicagoland:

Enough with the teasing. Announce the location already!

Ok, no teasing. This spring we will open a community center and Vandedrome at the old US Steel Site. That area is getting built up as South Works. The Chicago Velo Campus will be located there. 

We will have a pretty full presentation at the Bike Swap (in between Julie talking about cold weather gear and girls dancing on BMX bikes)


If you haven't friended us on Facebook please do so. Besides seeing the most recent news(and in the past month there has been a lot), a lot of officials and organizations look at the amount of friends when considering support. 


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