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Oh, gee another uneducated doof making jokes about how a bike should be on a sidewalk even thought the law puts us on the street.


You know what reallyshows guys like this how wrong they are?  Giving there video more hits.


Ignore the stupid.




I wanna do bad things this that fat ass!

Funny and true in some cases about the attitude, but then he had to go be an asshole and say to lease a car.


As Jeff Dunham's character "Peanut" says, "Fix my eyes, asshole!" 

Or move to Vietnam...

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

Funny and true in some cases about the attitude, but then he had to go be an asshole and say to lease a car.


As Jeff Dunham's character "Peanut" says, "Fix my eyes, asshole!" 

Better than this asshole (NSFW):



... but I was really looking for the clip in which he kills a cyclist and all the other motorists climb out of their cars and cheer.  Anybody know it?

Let's go to this guy's next show and boo the sh*t out of him.

Many years ago, at a bike winter event/gathering at Quencher's Saloon, there was some overlap with a stand up comedy show.


In one of the routines, one act told a hilarious story about how he hit a cyclist... who ended up in the back of is pick up truck.  Throughout the story he was heckled and boo'd by the cyclist-stacked audience.  At the end of the show, the organizer brought back all the performers and laughed at the "what are the odds" scenario. The offending 'comic' was pretty dejected.


Joe TV said:

Let's go to this guy's next show and boo the sh*t out of him.

Hadn't seen the first guy before. lacked that something special... George though, is amazing and he leaves me in tears almost every time I hear him, accept of course that video/clip.


Yes their jokes are more harmful then funny in terms of making it seem ok to act negatively towards cyclists, but there are undoubtedly some cyclists out there that are just asking for it. it being people really disliking them. sadly that attitude gets carried onto other cyclists. kind of like not every SUV driver is a D-bag, but some pricks had to go ruin it for the whole crowd.


then again, when a cyclist gets pissed and acts on it it usually doesn't result in a funeral... :(

Saw the Tom Segura one before. I am trying to learn from these clips about the attitudes of drivers and why the hostilities. Obviously a bunch of stupid stuff, but I think part of pun of his jokes is the cyclist's attitude. In part, I know what he's talking about (, and I for one try to not get into confrontation with motorists and try to be courteous.
Cycling is fun, and what's more American than a seething infuriated resentment of people who seem to be having a good time.
Hahaha, well said.

Peenworm Grubologist said:
Cycling is fun, and what's more American than a seething infuriated resentment of people who seem to be having a good time.
haha That was a pretty funny clip

J.P. said:
Saw the Tom Segura one before. I am trying to learn from these clips about the attitudes of drivers and why the hostilities. Obviously a bunch of stupid stuff, but I think part of pun of his jokes is the cyclist's attitude. In part, I know what he's talking about (, and I for one try to not get into confrontation with motorists and try to be courteous.


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