Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I heard a number of people commenting on how slippery the roads / sidewalks were, but I had absolutely no problems.  I don't know whether to attribute that to my studded Schwalbe tires or conditions that weren't all that bad.  Indeed, riding south with the wind at my back, I was flying.  My biggest problem was the moisture and fog on my glasses -- at times I was flying nearly blind.  But what fun!

I was fine this morning - no slipping, even in my alley. However, I was too nervous about it all to ride again later. I hope tomorrow will be better...

Glad to hear, Gin, that your trailer stayed upright even though Michael went down. I was always wondering if the trailer would topple too so that gives me some added piece of mind!


I rode today since the roads were salted and not slippery. The sidewalks when I walked my dog this morning were treacherously slick with ice, but unlike yesterday, when I was crossing the streets, I noticed it was dry and very well salted, so I decided to ride.  I basically decide to ride based upon if the roads are too slippery to walk on or not. If I can walk across the street without sliding or slipping, I can bike it. Needless to say, I did not bike yesterday due to slickness and fine black ice in the morning, but did so today and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I've been walking with Ice spikes on my shoes and it means that even the slipperiest sidewalks become normal for walking.  Tomorrow I'll go back to the roads, but I figured I'd take an extra day off riding, instead of huring myself and being out the rest of winter.

Minh said:

I've seen 2 people fall on the sidewalk today. The sidewalks must be insanely slippery. I haven't slipped yet but I can tell the streets are the worst I've ridden on all winter. I should really stop using my racing tires in this weather.

We are entering the hard part of winter. The novelty of winter riding has worn off and it becoming more of a drag, especially the extra time it takes to get dressed and the continuous riding in the dark. I find myself thinking about taking the train in every morning. Since the new year, I'm taking the train at a once-a-week rate, but it is becoming harder to withstand the siren's call....


I wouldn't mind skipping forward six weeks. Temperatures will be more moderate by then and the days will be significantly longer.

its beed wicked slippery the past few days, and ive been seeing people doing what looks like funky dance moves all over the place.  ive actually gotten really good at holding my bike upright treading through the slippery slushy stuff.  took a small spill on monday, but i was ok. 


After volunteering at active trans on monday, going home i went over the grand ave bridge.  i took the sidewalk there (metal grate bridge) and the pedestrians on the otherside were essentially sliding down the other end.  i quickly put my foor down as i approached, but slid right passed them.  i only had time to say 'hi...sorry...bye' as i barely missed them.  and on home i went.


be careful out there, yall.  stuff aint melting anythime soon.

Yes. Let's fast forward 8 weeks!


I am so lame. I rode one day last week and it doesn't feel like it's in the cards today. Friday's forecast = 9º. BRRRRRRR.


Duppie said:

We are entering the hard part of winter. The novelty of winter riding has worn off and it becoming more of a drag, especially the extra time it takes to get dressed and the continuous riding in the dark. I find myself thinking about taking the train in every morning. Since the new year, I'm taking the train at a once-a-week rate, but it is becoming harder to withstand the siren's call....


I wouldn't mind skipping forward six weeks. Temperatures will be more moderate by then and the days will be significantly longer.

I love to ride no matter the season, as I hate buses and trains, but I also won't compromise my safety if it is just too slick out- I commend those of you who ride when the roads are still slick with ice, but I also reiterate iggi's sentiment - Please be careful out there. 

iggi said:

be careful out there, yall.  stuff aint melting anythime soon.

I rode today and didn't find it all that bad.  The sidewalk outside of my apartment was horrible, but once I got on the roads it was fine.  It did beat the ride home last night.  My jacket was seriously sporting a solid layer of ice.

I can tell that we are 4 weeks post solstice though. I feel the sun getting stronger--not on my skin so much (nope--still cold!) but on my eyes.


Hang in there, Bike Winterites! Not saying you need to be biking for all trips all the time. . . . just know that every time you do get out there, you gather more data on how to manage in the future. And, at least for me, 93.7% of the time, the conditions are better than I expect (that is, when I am expecting the worst ;-)


I did it! And it wasn't all bad. It sure does make a difference when it is sunny outside.


I like that, Gin--"gathering more data on how to manage in the future."


Honestly, the sidewalks are much worse than the roads.

The question is are you GOING to ride? Friday looks brutal.

Black ice!

I decide to cut through Humboldt Park today and the back tire did some slipping, not a fun feeling but when I got off to walk, it was worse! I ended up walking in the grass covered snow for a bit.


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