I was watching last week's Modern Family and cracking up over the scenes where Manny and Gloria learn how to ride bikes. Really great scenes.


Then today I just referenced the scene in Singles where the woman picks the guy to date who is a cyclist, goes out and buys all the gear and a new bike for their first date.


What are other great scenes in TV and movies of cycling? Not necessarily bike movies, but great bike scenes.


E.T. comes to mind, too. 

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Burn After Reading comes to mind:


Pee Wee's Big Adventure!!!  I know you are but what am I!?!?!?




The quality's not so great but the scene is awesome!!  



Buick and Robby

This youtube series is hilarious!

and here's a clip from that terrible 80's movie BMX Bandits



The Triplets of Belleville is my all time favorite movie about bicycling. It is magical and fabulous!  

Since we're on the BMX scene, this is a pretty funny bit that appears regularly on BBC show, "That Mitchell and Webb Look"

I hope you think it's as funny as I do!


Not a bicycle movie but the opening credits had some awesome old-school BMX footage!


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