Thread for when you find a deal on a bicyclicle item via groupon, or other places and want to share it. This way we can keep them all in one place for future reference.



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Best Buy has been experimenting with electric bikes and apparently started carrying accessories as well. They are closing out on their Ortleib stock and are selling them at half price.


This is both online and at the stores, I'm not sure if this link will work, but you can give it a try.


We also have a link on the homepage to the daily groupons. If you click on it it also brings up the other side deals which sometimes do have bike related stuff.
Nice! Thanks for sharing this! 

jamimaria said:

Best Buy has been experimenting with electric bikes and apparently started carrying accessories as well. They are closing out on their Ortleib stock and are selling them at half price.


This is both online and at the stores, I'm not sure if this link will work, but you can give it a try.


If you do decide to buy the groupon, I believe that the Chainlink gets a referral payment if you click on the link on the right hand side of the screen.

Cameron Puetz said:

Today's Groupon is a tune up at Johnny Sprockets

Hahaha  *shudders*

jamimaria said:

Best Buy has been experimenting with electric bikes and apparently started carrying accessories as well.

Yes.... it didn't seem to update, but it's fixed.  And YES, if you click through the link to the right we Groupon give back a portion to Chainlink!

jamimaria said:
If you do decide to buy the groupon, I believe that the Chainlink gets a referral payment if you click on the link on the right hand side of the screen.

Cameron Puetz said:

Today's Groupon is a tune up at Johnny Sprockets

Look to the right........


Today's Groupon is $30 for a years membership to Zip and $30 in driving credits!

if anyone is in the market for bike gear online :


and good reviews :



Do check out your favorite bike shops around the City.  Almost all of them are probably offering deep discounts on their 201o stock in hope of making room for the 2011 stock.  I know this is what Blue City is doing!

Iron Cycles groupon-like deal for Jan 27th.


51% off Tune-Up at Iron Cycles ($100 Value)

Reader Real Deal
FOR 06.21.12
$10 for $20 towards any bike rental or guided group tour at Bike an...



Neighborhood: Streeterville

$10 for $20 towards any rental or tour at Bike and Roll Chicago!

Got some out-of-towners coming to Chicago this summer for a visit? Treat them to the sights by bike.

Rent one of the following from Bike and Roll Chicago by the hour:

  • City Cruiser
  • Comfort Bike
  • Mountain Bike
  • Fitness Bike
  • Road Bike
  • Electric Bike
  • Tagalong
  • Kid's Bike
  • Wagon
  • Hand Cycle
  • Child Seat
  • Small Quadcycle
  • Large Quadcycle
  • Tandem Bike
  • In-Line Skates

All bike rentals include a helmet, lock and map. If you'd prefer not to navigate, a variety of guided tours through downtown Chicago and several popular neighborhoods are also available by bike and Segway.

Valid only at the Navy Pier location!

"This is one thing you definitely must do in Chicago. This place rents out bikes on very reasonable rates. It's tons of fun riding along the lakefront on the bikes and there's acually lots of trails you can follow as well. Its really different from walking or driving through the city. And best of all, you get little or no traffic!" -- A.W. from Yelp.



$10 for $20 value at Half Italian Deli • Grocer • Cucina

Today Only: $10.00 off
Regularly: $20.00

$25 worth of authentic Mexican food and drink at Real Tenochtitlán for only $12.50

Today Only: $12.50 off
Regularly: $25.00

$15 shoe rental and bowling for two at Waveland Bowl -- a $37 value

Today Only: $22.00 off
Regularly: $37.00



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