Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Nice outreach to the people of Oahu. Did you take any Bike Winter stickers?

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Those were my rides last week:


Bike winter!!! ;)

Serge, you take cheating to a whole new level.  Hoping for negative degrees for your return. :) 

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Those were my rides last week:


Bike winter!!! ;)

I'm so jealous. Is that place cyclist friendly? (bicycle lanes, bike parking etc.)

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Those were my rides last week:


Bike winter!!! ;)

First day of the new year to take CTA in. Damn that sore throat! I saw all you dudes and dudettes out on your bikes and it made me sicker than I already am. Hopefully tomorrow I'm back in the elements.

It depends on where in town you're at.  There are bike lanes and some parking but not a huge amount although it depends.  I think in general Oahu is fairly car centric and it'd be hard to get to certain places on bike.

Minh said:

I'm so jealous. Is that place cyclist friendly? (bicycle lanes, bike parking etc.)

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Those were my rides last week:


Bike winter!!! ;)

Gorgeous ride out today.  Felt great riding in!
Monday the 3rd. It's the new, temporary Wacker drive.

Serge Lubomudrov said:


. . . Back to Chicago: I've just noticed that Franklin is now two-way street. When did that happen?!

I suppose you could run across O'ahu in a few hours if it were flat but the two mountain ranges pretty much rule that out.  However, the bus system is fairly good and if the light rail actually gets built in an useful fashion, that would help a lot with making things more bikeable.  Right now going from Honolulu to kapolei or the north shore on a bike is not really feasible since there are portions of the route where the only connections between certain areas are a highway or freeway.



Serge Lubomudrov said:

This is correct. There is an awful lot of cars (which is rather stupid, for an island one can literally run across in few hours: the distance between our hotel and the nothernmost poit we visited, according to the GPS thingie, was 26 miles), and traffic can get pretty bad. On some roads, marked as bike routes at a map given to us at the bike rental, and with bike lanes clearly painted, I would probably prefer not to ride. From the other hand, I saw bikes and bikers almost everywhere (granted, serfers are more numerous). Also, given the mountaneous nature of the landscape there, many places might not be accessible by a car, either.

. . . Back to Chicago: I've just noticed that Franklin is now two-way street. When did that happen?!

S said:

It depends on where in town you're at.  There are bike lanes and some parking but not a huge amount although it depends.  I think in general Oahu is fairly car centric and it'd be hard to get to certain places on bike.

Minh said:

I'm so jealous. Is that place cyclist friendly? (bicycle lanes, bike parking etc.) it summer?  I saw SOOOO many cyclists out tonight between 5:30-6:00 PM.  It was awesome!

Hi ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.

I pedal slow

due to the snow

Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho...


This is the song I was singing as I pedaled through the slushy goo on my way to work this morning around 7:15 am. It was uplifting and helped ease my fear of slipping on something hidden under the light coat of slushy snow.  Although the wet snow was kind of yucky to ride in, I did enjoy the ride as much as I could, and I feel pretty darn proud of myself for making the 7.5 miles in to work.

the song actually goes...


i owe, i owe, its off to work i go...

Maybe for you, Iggi...I just don't believe in owing anyone anything :p

iggi said:

the song actually goes...


i owe, i owe, its off to work i go...


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