Physically/Mentally Impaired Driving (was "Outsourcing Self Control")


Fair amount of content relating to use of technology to limit dangerous behavior behind the wheel.  Excerpt:


Another app, Slow Down, alters the tempo of your music, depending on your driving speed, on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Using GPS, the music
slows if a preset speed limit is exceeded and stops completely if you're
over the limit by more than 10 mph. You can have your tunes back when
you slow down.

Views: 426

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Well this was fun and all but no one is gonna come around to another persons perspective. And we wonder why the gov't doesn't do much. Happily I can say, in regards to Marks post, I'm the same jerk in person that I am online. I just smile more. ;-)


Anyway, you won't get an accurate study on handicapped drivers because it's pretty unlikely a cop is going to give one a ticket.  When it comes to parking spots the police don't usually question abuse for the very reason posted earlier by milesper, they can't visually tell if the person is handicapped and that has lawsuit written all over it.


And even if the cop was in the right, even for a moving violation, you are still giving a ticket to a person with a handicap. Bad publicity, could make the cop feel bad, etc...They don't do it. (i've seen cops unwilling to give an old person a ticket. That's the being a nice guy argument out the window)


So without that you won't get any kinda reliable documentation.


Anywho, see ya on the roads and rides. ;-)

"I'm the same jerk in person that I am online. I just smile more. ;-)"


You must smile 24/7 then cuz most of your posts contain at least 2 ;)'s



it's true davo i'm a jerk 24/7 and i smile almost as much.

my wifey has told me i smile in my sleep. :-)

I'm a jerk too, because I have closely-held positions about how the world works that often offend other's religious opinions about the same. Unfortunately my opinions are as often as not far outside the majority or mainstream thought.


Oh well, in my world it's not OK to force others to think/act/look like them just because the way they are thinking/acting/looking offends their religious sensibilities about subject X.  There are a bunch of things I don't like -but I don't think they should be banned or regulated out of existence. 


"Forget conservative or liberal, Tory or Labor; there are only two types of people in the world, those who would control the actions of others, and those who have no such desire" - Robert A. Heinlein

Gabe said:

it's true davo i'm a jerk 24/7 and i smile almost as much.

my wifey has told me i smile in my sleep. :-)
i'm not gonna get into politics. :-) seems counter-productive at this point.

Howard can we change the name of this thread to "Jerks Confess (was 2 other things)"? :-)
Howard is GOOD at changing subjects ;)

Many of you managed to get some interesting and insightful stuff posted. Thanks! Some of you posted stuff that hardly could be said to add anything useful to the topic here.

I found SOME of Gabe's posts to be inappropriate. I wonder what he is trying to achieve, but I believe that its making discussion more difficult and problematic. I left the chainlink due to some of his posts and the following circumstances and signed up to make this comment.

For instance, shy or lurking or less confident responders might not only be turned off from posting, but even reading and even from the chainlink as a whole, is that such a radical assumption to make?


Missed you big guy. If there is a discussion than the thread is successful. This thread has over 80 posts. People put ideas out there and people responded. Some were dumb and some were smart and then there is yours. Completely unrelated and using my name. If you'd like to complain about anything you can notify anyone that runs the site. Callin me out might fall into the inappropriate category as well. Maybe you didn't think of it. Thanks again and really missed you.
But someone was WRONG on the internet and must be STOPPED!

Gabe said:
Missed you big guy. If there is a discussion than the thread is successful. This thread has over 80 posts. People put ideas out there and people responded. Some were dumb and some were smart and then there is yours. Completely unrelated and using my name. If you'd like to complain about anything you can notify anyone that runs the site. Callin me out might fall into the inappropriate category as well. Maybe you didn't think of it. Thanks again and really missed you.

I think Howard has used this one before. ;-)



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