I picked up a flyer from ATA that says that I can take my folding bike onboard the Pace bus. But drivers and an email from Pace said... no, that I can not bring it onboard. The busses are identical. Except for the newer tiny Pace bus. The drivers have all been cool about it, and I have been able to travel with it onboard. Afterall it's faster for me and the driver when I exit the bus without hassling with the rack. I just wanted to see what your experience has been CTA vs. Pace.

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Hey Lee, we'll definitely look into this and get back to you.


Can you please be more specific about the Active Trans flier you have with this info?


I know of several that we have on hand with bikes on buses information (official Pace brochure, RTA-developed wallet-size folded piece, etc.).


Thanks so much,

Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

I have the drivelesslivemore.com wallet sized one. "Bikes On Tranist" is on the front.


Thank you Ethan!

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Hey Lee, we'll definitely look into this and get back to you.


Can you please be more specific about the Active Trans flier you have with this info?


I know of several that we have on hand with bikes on buses information (official Pace brochure, RTA-developed wallet-size folded piece, etc.).


Thanks so much,

Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

The Pace drivers should be treating the folding bike as normal luggage and should leave you alone. Its small size is the only reason some routes (like CTA trains during rush, Metra trains during rush, and South Shore trains at all times) allow them on board.

I have the bag for the bike, it's just a hassle I would rather not deal with if possible.

Cameron Puetz said:

Get a bag for it. I’ve never seen a driver ask what’s in a bag to matter how big or unwieldy it is.

Here is a low hassle bagging that works for me all the time, except airlines.  get an Ikea blue bag (it like tarp material) cut the handles off and cut a hole big enough for the seat to pass through in the bottom, put it on upside down and cover the top of the bike but not the wheels.  Metra accepts this as a bag during rush hour. It would keep folks clean if they brushed it.  It also folds nicely and fits on the rack or backpack.

Lee Roy Carrier said:

I have the bag for the bike, it's just a hassle I would rather not deal with if possible.

Cameron Puetz said:

Get a bag for it. I’ve never seen a driver ask what’s in a bag to matter how big or unwieldy it is.

...this is an awesome solution. I appreciate the tip!



We've heard back from Pace and it appears that you are most likely correct about folding bikes (in bags) being allowed on Pace buses. The operators you mention and the customer service folks apparently had the policy wrong.


The communications team will keep us posted but most likely a system wide update to operators, customer service, etc. will go out once the policy is officially clarified.


They will keep us at Active Trans in the loop and we will continue to pass on updates.



Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans


Hello all,


We heard back good news from Pace. They communicated the below policy to bus operators on 12/30/10 and will also pass this on to their customer service department as well as update their website and any marketing materials:


  Please be advised that passengers may bring their folding bikes on-board the buses subject 10 the following conditions:

· The bicycle is not motorized (no gasoline engine, fuel or battery).

· The bicycle Is folded prior to boarding and remains fully folded while on board.

· As in the case of a suitcase or other large object, the bicycle should be stored between seats or behind a barrier and under control of the passenger to ensure the safety of all passengers.


Lee, they also plan to reach out to you directly.



Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

Awesome job! Seriously, you guys rock!

Active Transportation Alliance said:


Hello all,


We heard back good news from Pace. They communicated the below policy to bus operators on 12/30/10 and will also pass this on to their customer service department as well as update their website and any marketing materials:


  Please be advised that passengers may bring their folding bikes on-board the buses subject 10 the following conditions:

· The bicycle is not motorized (no gasoline engine, fuel or battery).

· The bicycle Is folded prior to boarding and remains fully folded while on board.

· As in the case of a suitcase or other large object, the bicycle should be stored between seats or behind a barrier and under control of the passenger to ensure the safety of all passengers.


Lee, they also plan to reach out to you directly.



Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

Thank you so much for your efforts. It is very much appreciated!


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