I am off work  tomorrow and wanted to get in a ride without dealing with too much traffic, has anyone been on either trail as of late?

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Just wondering if anyone has any updates on the LFP after the warm weather of the last week. If you've been on the path from downtown north to Fullerton recently, let us all know what it was like. Thanks!
All the ice in that stretch is gone. The pavement south of Fullerton is shot to hell, you're better off taking the dirt high road.
Yeah, the waves tore out large chunks of the trail here, just like south of North Ave.  Even a section of the upper cinder trail was washed away.  With temps below freezing, I ride the grass all the way up next to LSD.  But watch out for the cut-off fence and sign posts sticking out of the ground!  Once the weather thaws, this section is going to be a real mess.  Consider the Zoo parking lot and trails as a detour down to North Ave - or just walk through the bad section.

you may want to bookmark/rss active trans' lakefront trail blog that regularly updates on riding conditions:



The wiki discussed in this thread is also very informative, in many ways more informative than the ATA site.


The direct link to the wiki page is:  http://bikechicago.wikia.com/wiki/Chicago_Biking_Conditions_and_Adv...


Great wiki, Joe. Perfect! I'll contribute if I have anything to add. I just rode the LFP this afternoon after work from downtown north to just south of Hollywood and it was completely dry and ice-free but those stretches just north of Oak st. and just S. of Fullerton are all torn up, as noted on the wiki. It's still great riding; you just have to go slow and be careful through there. Stuff like that is where I really wish I had a great bike light....

Joe Studer said:

The wiki discussed in this thread is also very informative, in many ways more informative than the ATA site.


The direct link to the wiki page is:  http://bikechicago.wikia.com/wiki/Chicago_Biking_Conditions_and_Adv...



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